

sight of decadent light and beyond finite mind to comprehend, but out of which comes we know ttae elemental octaves of periodlc law from which our sense of rhythm and harmony innately is de-rived - and from its lawa of oause and effects we also know are our minds environed and influenced to shape the seąuence of human eventa - and at the aight of freedom bleeding to atrengthen our courage to resiat the assault of its asaailanta ao that to freedom the world belongs.

The frontiera of knowledge forever are confronted with the horizon of obacurity which it ever has the right to invade -the only rightful gainful invasion upon which freedom beatowa her welcome amilea for the adventuroua imaginative daring of exploring ita reticent darkneas deptha and bring to light new trutha to enhance the elegance of advance of uaeful wealth of poaaeaaion* The aecond law of naturę and es8ential close associate of survival but oft easy is the error of its enticing of acąuiring lesser gain with I03S of greater good*

The never endlng battle for bread and eternal eats has been of ample atrife for the longest burried life that ever laboured and lingered here, but with the momentous epoch-making event of limitleas power a new world of boundleaa prosperity will be born that all may reforest their countrysides, deepen their stream8 to floodlesa flow and atxmdance of food and tBjetileB grow, to provide a common commodity of elemental wel-fare, with scope above for greater creativeneaa, enterpriae and industry with eąuitable reward for benefits conferred*

In our breaats stirs the emotion of pride to apeak in distinguished praise of our great audacious men, our very versatile forceful fighting men of valorous conąuests and crusadea of war are auperb. But if they and we the people of the victorlous powers are remiss of outstanding atateamanship honour, morał courage and of wisdom of meaning to give to worda, worthy words wiset than war, and come not clean to the hour of reform - provided by the sound vision and profound principlea of the Atlantic Charter, and if now we fail to asaign to freedom and the nobleneaa of liberator mind the deeds of the great-neas of doing good and create a construotive peace of a world for security starving and f&ll to suppress the riotoua creeda of oppresaion greed, and ourselves incriminate and beąueath unrelated to reform thia legacy of guiłt to a young generation who soon will take our place in world affairs they will then with the impreas of emphaais express their contempt and ałienate us with scorn, for our failing opportunity and leaving to them to do the thinga we left undone for which they will need to fight another war and exile aggression from thia earth to finał unreturning end that it may never again invite the


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