A ■ lnfect>ve Stage A» Oiagnostic Stage
mliating the infection.
A Infectwe filarifofm larvae V penetrate the intact skin
The filariform terv#e enter the circuiatory system, are transport ed to the lungs. and penetrate the ahreolar spaces They are camed to the trachea and pharynx. swaBowed. and reach the smaK mtestine where they become adutts.
Automfectson Rabditiform larvae in large wlestine. become fitariform larvae. penetrate mtestmal mucosa ot perianat skin. and fotlow the norma! infectiye cycte
Rabditiform larvae in the mtestmc are excretcd in stool
Adufl femate worm in the .mtestine.
Eggs deposited in intestinal muoosa, hatch. and migrate to lumen
http/.Svww dpd cdc gov/dpdx