Parcrimer.t from A to Z 41
► Dorso turquoise (assorL 1): window section.
Pcrforating (shailow):
► According :.o perforation patiem.
Pcrforating (deep):
► According co perforation pattems.
► Tinta white {01 Ti: parts B of the cu-ling designs. doLs in i~e perfor ation pattems. outline of card.
► Tmta goło (22T). curling designs and dots.
► Tir.ta fuchsia (20T): flower.
► Tinta viotet (07T): letterV.
► Tinta leaf green (1 OT): leaves.
► Pintura white (01) - fuchsia (2C;: flower.
► Finta vioIet (07T): letter V.
► Pintura viclet (07): shadows of letter V.
► Pintura yellow ('.6) i green (08): some !eaves.
► Pini .ra green (08): some leaves.
► Pintura yellow (16) + greeri (08) + brown (12): some lęaves.
► Curling designs and dots. except parts B. OUtline cf card. flowers, Ieaves.
► Designs m the perforation pattems.
► Dots betweer the 4*needle perforation of parts A.
► Ali parts B.
► Cut out the perforations :nto crosses.
► Cut through the oonnections o: part A. removmy the excess bits ot paper.
Finishing off:
► Fold the card in half and pu: in a pumie insert sheet,
► Perforate the outime usirg the 4 neecie too:.
► Cut through the outer connections of the perforated outime.