ti.o*i:it* mu rut nHint:
Co%-er tlte boucpiet handle and the opening in tlte cnm-ns with ivy leavcx aivd set tire with spray adltc*ivc.
Insert ten sprłgs of pmplc vcionica, scvcn sprigs of anemones .md fivc sprigs of lisianthus, cach with T (Scm) steins. r.mdomly throtighout the bouquct. 'R> strengthen thc items, insert a thin Iloral wire or r.hcnillc stem. Ncxt. add sever.il sprigs of pmplc wasflower with 1" (3<:m) stems amid the other flowers. For a morę t.Ulored look. trim off the niggcd ends of the wasilowcr.
THE IVY COLLAR CLUTCH BOUQUET canbemadc a couple of days In advancc. Bc surę to usc thc spray adhesive sparingly. as thls boupuet doesn't rcquire a lot of glue to sccure. Plato thc bouquet in a tooł place or In the rofrigerator. and covet with a plastic bag. Oon't forgot that in the winter months. flowers can be stored in the garage at 30° F (1® C).