insert short pearl strands
Ramlnnily insert tlić short pearl clusters tuto the botujuct.
insert long pearl strands
Wirc the iwo long strands of pcarls onto the wooden picks and wrap with wbite t.i|X- Insert the strands. stag-gered. into only one side of the bouquct at the basc The longcst strand should bc 14' (3ticm) long.
insert and secure handle
Wlten the nbbon is complctely tiry, spray the hase of the l>otiquct and the handle with spray adhcsive Insert the handle into the center of the Ttissic MuSsie.
Kl.ow » «» ko li tii i: iiniiii.
E N S U R E freshness. make this boupuet no morę than day in advaecc. Stcphanotls and phalaenopsis orchids are ile flowers that can briilse easlly. Thcy necd special care in handling and rcfrigeratlon. Should a few ol the stcphanotls blostoms look brown on youi wedding day. slmply rcmovc thom from Ihc boupuet. They won'l be mlssed Since the flowers are so numerous and fuli.