Subincrge the hnlder in water for ten minutes. Inxert a stephanotis stem into each błossom. Ttim the corsagc pins to I* (3cm) and insert Into the błossom centem. 'IYim the stephanotis stem* to 2' i‘ (Gem) and insert into the hokler
::ui oftsprig* ofhaby*# breath with r io 2" (3cm to 5cm) stems. Insert the tprljt* tlghtly .irouiul the stcphnnotis.
Cut 16 to lii xpr.iv roses (each Mcm eonu In*. 3 *o 4 roses), each with 2'V (6cm) Menu Insert (hem around the perimeter of che baby-* brcath.
insert tlie button niuins around t!»c spray roses. Cut sprij;* of hypericum hcrrir.x, caeh with 2‘ to 3' (5cm to 8cm) KteinSL Kcntovc somc ol the lcavcs for casier insertion Insert the beny stenis around the perimeter of tł»c button mumi Cr.xlu.illy Insert each flownr row lowcr tłum Ute last. Thi* will kecp your boutiuet (tom appearing
Cut the stetns of caclt tosc to mcasurc 3* (Hem) In Icnglh Insert them around the perimeter ol the hyper-icum berries. Tbls row of roses will be the widest patt of the booqurt. Use (loral adhcsive to sec tire the stems.