basie techniques

This section details some of the basie techniques of flower arranging that you will use throughout the book.

wiring flowers

lt ls often necessary to wlro Wower stems to make thom sturdier or to extend the length of the stems. Herc is an casy way to prepare your stems.

Insert • 6* (IScm) flora) wlro nito the bave of the llowcr head .m<l puli il through. l.eave cqual lengths of wirc on both sides of the llowcr bose

Pull the cntls of the wlro down and in linę with the Stein to bogiń the wrappmg pr«

Hegin the wmpping proces* with llorai tape. włilch docs not have a right or wrong sido. Floral tape betonie* taeky and adheres to Itsclf as it ls strctchcd. Hołd the llowcr with one hand and the tape with the other. Stretch and [Mili the tape downward, and twist tłu; stem with the thumb and forefinger of ono hand. As you twist, the tape should covor the stem an<l wires śmigły. overlapping on il» way down the stem.

Wrap the cntls of the wire and press the tape snugly up and around to cover any exposcd wire.


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