Cut ihc camations to havc r (3cm) Moim.

Spray thc galax lcavcs with Icaf shinc, Wr.ip a gnlux Icaf tightly around thc basc of a carnation. Insert wirc through tłu: ga1ax Icaf and thc carnation front one xtdc to thc otltot twist thc wite ends around thc olustcr ahotit thrcc limes. Bond thc wint oivds down alongsłdc thc mciii of tlić carnation. Ho|>cat with all of thc camatiom.

Sccurc thc wirc. camations and galax lcavcs together tvlth lloral tape. Stretc.h and puli thc la|>c tightly when wrapping. Sccurc thc wrapped oamation einstein together with (lontl tnjx:.

'Ib insert cuch carnation into thc l>ouquct holdcr with casc. altach a 3‘ (8cm) wircil wooden flora! piełt.

'Ib do this. twist thc wirod nnd around thc basc of thc carnation and Steni. Sccurc thc wooden pick to tlić canta* tion cl lister with lloral tapc. Rcpcat with all of thc camations.

insert ruscus foliage

Subntcrgc thc hotuiuct holdcr in walet for ten minutes. Spray thc ruscus willi Icaf shinc. Cul numerous sprigs front thc ruscus stems, cach mcasuring to 21* (Son to 53cm) in Icngth. Covcr tho bouquct holdcr with thc shoner sprigs by insert Ing thc stents randomly throughout thc bou<|ttct. Insert thc longcr sprigs in thc center and bottom of thc hou«|uct to givc a tmlling cffcct. The sprigs should appear loosc and airy. so you may l>c ablc to sec thc holdcr througli thc foliage

add purple camations

Insert one purple carnation in thc center of thc bouquct and thc other two on oppositc sides, trailing down.


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