Cut an X inlo ihc center of a 9" (23cm) round 7-mesh Loop thr. whitc wired ribbon iluongli the center of Ute
canViH with a craft knife. hole. .1 round the outsidc of the cam-a* and bitek through
to covcr the mesh
insert pearl
Trim a pearl corsage płn to 'A* (13mm) and insert it into thr. top center of cach blossum. If needed. add a dab of glue to scetire.
prepare stephanotis blossoms
Removc the smali green stoins and centem from the stephanotis blossoms Inmirmr thr (Litton floral stems in water for a lew srcoitd* and insert thrm into the bot tom center of ciich błossom
Clue down thr- rihhon rnd.% with flora! adhesivc to secure them to tłu: mc*h iis słtown. Submerge tltr łioUIrr into water lor ten minutes. Push tl»r lundlc of thr flora) houcpiet hoJder through the center of the ribbon collar. Usług a l>ot glur gun, secure tlie bnsc of the hołder into t)ic collar.