Although arranging your own flowers for your wedding is a great way to save money and ensure that you get exactly what you want. the task can be extremely overwhelming. Guidanco from a professional florist will make the entire process run much morę smoothly. Your florist should be able to answer your questions and make recommendations.
Choosing a professional florist isn't as easy as opening up the phone book and calling the first name you see. It is important to find a florist with whom you can communicate openly and discuss things like budget, expectations and responsibilities. Here are a few things to consider.
SHOP K A It LY Bcgin your scarch for a Professional florist about six inonths l>cforc your wedding. Make surę that the person you choose is willitig to dcvotc cnough time to you during the phmning stages and on that spccial day. Kccp in mind that florists are often busier during holidays and in the summer, when weddings are morę frcqucnt.
SET A BUDGET l>cterminc the imouni you woidd likc to spend on the bridal bou<|uet. wedding party flowers and ce raniony and rcccption arrange-inents. Be lccry of florists who try to steer you into a higher pricc rangę. A good florist will cvcn suggest ways to cut costs, such as choosing in-scason flowers.
B E I’ It E PA It E I) Beforc you mcci with the florist, do your bost to detcrtninc your wedding'* the mc and colom, time and datc. ccrcmony and rcccption sites, sizc of the wedding party and number of guests. Bring pictures, colt>r swatchcs, quotcs from other florists and anything cIsc that you think will convey your visk>n. A wcll-tralncd florist will listen to your commcnts and ask questions to help dc ter* minc the ovcrall plan.
PA RTIC I PAT E Don't be afraid to express your idcas to your florist. A gootl florist will listen to your commcnts and work in conjunction with you.
Crcatc a list of the flowers you’d likc to handle youmclf. as well as the arrangements with which you would like the florisfs help. Kor cxamplc, if you’d like to make the bridesmaids' bouqucts and you’d likc the florist to crcatc boulonniores to mateh, let the florist kttow. This will avoid the "wlło-does-wliat* quesłions that could rcck havoc on your bcautiful day
ASK Q U EST10 N S Kccp a ninning list of que*tions that you will want the llorist to answer, such as: Is thero a delivery charge antl/or set-up lec? Will the bill be itemized? Are there any hit Ulen costs?
M ENT ■( is »o important to keep accurate notes every time you meet with your florist. Writc down cvcrything from types of flowers to costs to idea*, and offer to make hlm or her a copy of your notes.
A well-documcnted plan cotdd mean the diffcrcncc betwccn an organized floral plan and a dis.ister!