Add fivc ancmoncK, cacłt willi 3‘ (Ucm) Mcms. randomly tliroughout ihc bouquci.
Add scven tcd bcrry duilcrs. each with 3- (tan) xtcnis, throughout thc bouquct Tb ,xid dopili .ind, you may w tell to .irrjnue additlonnl roscs .lrouml tlx: out*
Mdli <>! llK! lKllK|UI*.l.
YOU CAN MAKE this bouquct a cou-ple ot days before thc woddlng if you keep U standing uprlght In o vaso and storę il In a cool piać*. To keep your flowers freshcr longcr. dllulo a paeket of nutricnt-rlch floral pros«rvatives in watcr and misi over Ihe flowers with a spray bottle. Crystal Clear is a popular brand preservative tlwit can be found in mosl floral shops.