add maidenhair fern

Calhcr four 10 fivc MCms <>f maidcnh.iir leni ut staggered Ifinfcilu i<> form ii oluster. Sccure with a chemllc Mcm Rritttd around the eluster. Wrap cłu: chenlllc Mcm tightly with lloral tapc as sliown.

attach fern to bouquet

Altach ihc chenlllc Mcm front ihc elusier of moidcnluiir ferii jnsi bclow the bow wlih white lloral ta)>e. Wrap ni;łnly scveral limes and puli the ta po ovcr ihc cml to hidc any cxpoxcd wiru. The Mcm of the bouqnct bccomcs the handle. Cover with salin nhlKin if desircd.

THIS BOUQUET eon be madę a couplc of days in advance. Spray the gtadiola petals with a elear liquid shield to scal in moisture and protcet them from willlng prematurely. Storę in a cool place and do not toirch the flower petals to as not to bruise them.


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