Insert the orclitd stems into the center of tltc bouquct holder Arr.mRC iwo close together .ind iwo farther .i|«rt Sccurc with tloial .ullw-.-s.ive
Kantlomly insert 20 o|>en lisianthus lilowims witli '2' to -T (Scm to lOcnt) stems throuKlwmt the bou<|UCt.
add stephanotis
Wrap threc stems of stephanotis into a eluster with wbite tapc. with the rcmaining stephanotis stems. Insert the eluMcrs r.indnmty throughout the lx>ti<iuct and .u y.irious dcpths. Allow sonie of the stems to stick out ftom the Othcr flowers for .1 looser appcarancc.
eluster threc to six short pe.irl strands. twist ihcm together and altach them to a wired wooden pitk.
Wrap the pearl strands and wooden pick with whitc floral tape.
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