Using a cratt knlfe, cm a 1* (3cm) slit iii the form of an X through the center of the mesh canvas.
Usc spray adhcsive to secure the ivy leavcs to tho back oftłtc canvns, Icavlng a smali spaw: in the center at the X.
Cut four or fivc clusters o! violct blossoms. stoins induded. Wirc tlicm onto the 3’ (Kem) wooden tloral picks. Vlolct stems ans very fragile, so liaiutle wlth care.
secure holder
Insert the holder into the center of the mesh eanvas at the X. Secure it wlth douhlc-sided tapc.
Submerge the holder in water lor ten minutes and allow to dry. Insert the violcts into the center ol' the toam.