Make a <«nicr loop of a l>ow using T (2m) ot nhbon. Secure «he bow by wrapping the wlrc aitaclicd to the tloral
"IWiM the ribbon «o form a medium hoop. Pluch the ribbon pick around the middlc of the bow. TWIst tightly. together In i)w. center with your linger*. Make cight loops in all, twi&ting the ribbon in the center bcforc cac.h loop.
Secure the l»w to the pick by wrapping green lloral tape around the wite at the hasc of the bow and partly down the tloral plck. and puli the tape tightly a* you w rap Kepeat the proccss to make four udditional bows, linUhing the ribbon ends with angled cuts.
Submerge the bouquct hotdcr in water for ten minutę*. Insert one łx)w into the center of the bouquet ItoUlcr. Insert tł»c rcmaining four bows around the perimeter. Kor a fuUer, hni*ltcd hou<|uet, fluffthc riblx>n l<x>ps with your liands
m;» inmmratmin* in » r.m>i\c n.oim « 20