add gladiola petals

Dcllcatcly separate individual pctals front tlić rcinainlng gl.uliol.i blossoms, being carcful not 10 cmwc choin. Using spray adhe*ive, glue cuch indlviduul pctal to the hast: of Che bouquct. Siart adding pctal* directly undeineath che contor eluster in a palcem, laycring tightly.

finish outside layers

Contlmie in a circular patiom. laycring che pctal* umil only che ouisldc edge* of che galax leavcs are sliowing. You can also oullinc che pcrimeccr with other foliage soch as rlr.b grecn camellia lcavcs.


create bow

Uac 3 yards (3ni) of 2l/«* (6cm) sheer whitc ribbon co create a bow. Start wich 4* (Kkan) loops. graduully making them larger. Create cight loops. holding che bow wich one band and forming che loops wich che other. Cut 3 additional yards (Hm) of ribbon to create longcr loops for che look of scream-crs Adach the bow and streumere wich a chcnillc sieni

attach bow to bouquet

Using wbite lloral lapc, altach cłie bow co che Stein of che bouquct. Puli and strccch the floral cape ligliily wheil comblning the chcnillc storn froni the bow co che artilicial stem you madę for ilie bouquct.

M'.» l\*ril!ATION> 1,1 WMIIIIM. II OHAI.S 16


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