
prepare phałaenopsis orchids

Insert thc cotton «m» inio (Im: bose ofcach phalaenopsis Mcm and flower (o scenm. Th esc orchids .im vory fragilc. *o handle willi care.

make ribbon picks

Using ihe peari-edged ribłion. tonu iwo loo|>s .V to 6' (13em to IScm) long; Clii thc <:ivd ot the sccond loop about I* (3ciii) longcr tlian thc bano <>f tlu: loop. 'IWiał the wire ot a 3* (8cm) wooden piek around the ends of the loops as shown, and secure tiglitly to tlić pick. Make six morę.

insert picks

Insert thc scvcn picks into thc flora! foam, sparing them cvcnly around tlie edge of thc bouquet.

wrap wooden picks

Wrap thc wino tightly to the picks with wliltc tloral tape. Puli and strcich.»:n» run im mino: 21


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