ou'll want to cducato yoursclf as much as possiblc before you moet with your florist and begin dcsigning your flowers. The morę you know. the morę effectively you will be ablc to express your vision of the perfcct wedding flowers. Here are a few imporłant terms you'11 necd to know:
Cascade A traditional. full-flowing bouquet with long-stemmed flowers ext«nded out to create a waterfall effect. Nosegay—A round bouquet (16" to 18" |/,tcm to Ą6cm) in diameter) with densely packcd flowers.
Biedermeier—A smali nosegay composed of expandlng rings of indh/idual colors or flowers.
Hand-Ticd—A natural bouquet of flowers tied together with ribbons. Often the stems are left showing. Pomander—A flower-covered bali suspended from a loop of ribbon.
Tussie Mussie—A hand tled bouquet in which the flow-ers are tied together at the stems with ribbon trimmed to cqual length.
Wired—A bouquet in whlch each bloom is wired to stand upright and then bent Into a desired shape.
Composlte—A bouquet assembled from flowcr petals that, when finished. appears to be one large blossom. Round. Oval. Heart, Crescent—These terms refer to the overall shape of the bouquet.
ri.oit.ti. iiasiu I I
I. lhe Trjitrrj Orchid BoopoM (paje 67) is an oumpie of a Cascade.
3. Tlić Gfamedia Bomjuet (page 47) Is an eumpte of a com-poshc bouquet.
J. The Iłower®*i anange-ment (puge 86) is an wampie of a pomandcc
4 the Poart and k.tobon Booquet (page 18) -s an cxample of a Tussie Mussie.