Xmas 205 20snowman

Xmas 205 20snowman


Christmns Kit 5

These patiem dctails should lic uscd iu


conjunclion willi lite General Inslruclions al Ute Out al A in ai B backofUtisbooklcl.    Owiał CinalD

“Oul al..." mcans bcing Ihc nccdlc front Ihe back Cn,lilluc ^ of ihe work through lo Ihc front.    u„lil coniplctc.

‘In at..." mcans takc Ute nccdlc from Ute righl Ali Itoles aie uscd lwice. >ide of lite work lluough to ihc back.    „ea<j

Dn many scctions of Ihis design somc holes arc    a|, in a[ 2

iscd morc ihan oncc.    Out al 3 in al 4


Oul at $ in al 6 Conlinuc Ihis sctjucnce unlil complclc.

Ali Itoks arc uscd lwice.


I I.M briin Oul al I in at J Stitch lwice.


Oul al K in al L Oul al M in al N Conlinuc Ihis vcqucncc umil complctc.


Oul al O in al P Oul al O in al K Conlinuc (his *cqucncc unlil complctc

The arnw sharc some holcs wilh ihc body. Stilch llłc oilicr ann in a similar way.


Oul al S in al T Oul al U in al V Conlinuc ihis scqucncc to oul al W in al X. Stilch Ihc o<hcr leg in a similar way.


Oul al I in al 2 Oul at 3 in al 4 Conlinuc unlil comptcic.

Eyes, mmc and buttons Add ilic bcadc w herc indicatcd

Copyright O 1999 DJ Design* Publisher) by Cord liispiration*


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