4. Read the passage about cheap imports from China and then choose tbe
appropriate words. Write the correct words in the spaces below. (12 points)
Given that China is one of the biggest and best producers of 1) falsifications/fakes and its awful record on the 2) protection/prevention of intellectual property 3) rights/laws, one might expect foreign 4) elegant/lwcury brand makers to stay well away.
However, the Swiss brand Omega is currently in negotiations with China to 5) set up/set out shops in big hotels there. They expect the 6) flow /demand for their products to be high based on 7) trading/sales to Chinese people in Hong Kong.
Meanwhile, Western consumer 8) pressure/campaign groups are calling on people to 9) disapprove/boycott cheap imports and copies ffom less 10) developed/emerging economies due to growing concem about the working conditions of people who make them. Protesters regularly gather outside these countries’ embassies aroimd the world in an 11) achievement/ejfort to put pressure on govemments to 12) impose/improve human rights conditions in their countries.
Your answers: 1..................... 7.