Wrapping paper and tags

Wrapping paper and tags

Who needs expensive giossy paper when you can design your owo? Weil — łt’s nice to have the bought stutf sometimes. but making your own is tun, and cheap. too.

You'll need:

Poster or powder paints, nicely mixed to a sticky, sloppy goo

An old toothbrush or two Pieces ot sponge cloth (the washing-up sort)



Lots ot brown paper Roli ot wallpaper lining paper

Plenty ot newspaper to protect all surfaces Overalls to protect you Indoor linę to peg up tinished paper to dry.

Cut the lining paper into 75 cm lengths and stack in a corner out of the way, so that li doesn't get covered in paint before it should. or get crumpled. It's best, before you start, to work out where you are going to hang up the paper to dry when you have pamted it. or you couid end up in a right old mess and your mum couid quickly run out of the festive spirit.

Sprayed paper

1. Have some very runny colours ready and dip an old toothbrush Into one of them. Spatter it over the paper. Use another toothbrush for another colour - or wash and dry the used one before changing colours.

2. Use this technigue on brown paper with white paint, and then paint snowmen every so often on top. On white paper you can just make a colourfui mess! Or try spattering paini on top of a paper doiły placed over the paper, moving the doiły around to get an all-over pattern.


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