

Tesi 2. tŁ*cti»*a^r<^«*-afl»ateM«*A<r»arKS2»s5eiar«sasBeeo6K»sii

Use ihe foltowing notes to write obout the Australtan polar expkxer Douglas Mawson. Write one complete sentence onły tor each numbered Mt ot notes, using coonectmg words and phraaes as appropriate. You may add words and change the form ot words given in the notes but do not add astra Information. The first point has been espanded for you as an example (0).

Douglas Mawson - Polar Explorer

0 Dougtaa Mawson — bom Ehgland 1882 — amtgrate Autlraiaw*h perents 1684

66 Oraduate Sydney Unłv. 1905 — lectursr minarałogy/geology AdeJwdo Univ. — whoro worked rest o( Sf* — not ipend alt time In academłc atmoapher* ot un*v.

87 First Antarcte expecfcton 1905-7 retumed 1911 — leader ot AustraRan Anlarctic expodition

68 1912 — 315milesfaombaaecamp — onaol two cornpanlona died — aledga containing most food — In deap crovasse

60 Mawion — tamairang comparaon, Xavwr Mortz — KiWeet haskie dogs — survlve

70    Bothmysteryilness — MertztSed — Mawsontravelalone28days — M.atarytng — leachad base camp

71    Doctors no: exptain Mawson's Jtness — mada rapkirecover/ — many years later aoanast raafesed both eupiorers wtamin A poraoning — eating By©? hudoe doga

72    Paapaa physical hardtfsps — Mawson major enpetfbon AntaroSca 1929-31 — ■sad unta 1958

0    Douflćs Mćwsoo was bwn m htgMm 1872 aiut tmigrattd to Aastnth w*h Hspornfs m /M.


67 ____

68    _




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