banncr «>f lupericjrity lurthcr
it% Cijiul **1 łOMHtr
I Se Indian Big Twin nutfcr ni tłum all -i. continucd thii yrar and camc* H» b thouund ridcrt. it uui a* ibc mott rcnurkable miMoccydr lalnc avaiUbl« anyuhcfe. fcatuiw-whcrc u
rtm\ ot
w.tł. it* itirngr.li, pcmer and .pcrd. with thc ncw Indian Staftcf, ncw magneto, and other ot bciukyanl, «.n ruftunratn ur prairic? It 1, th,- prcdnmlltanl all.rrnmd nutlimr ni it. tilttc