Chcnille Yarn
Chcnille yarns tan he ma Je (tom cotron or syiuhecic-. They have a plush-likc and soft surfacc. Thore-forc, they are not we II suited for textured pattcms.
Wick Yarns
Wick yarns are opcn, soft yarns thai arc cwistcd rogether only Iwscly during spinning Wick yams with thick nuhs have a real country kx»k.
Nubby Yams
Nubby yams are specialty yarns with irregular, wick-likc secrions. Frc-ąucntly, thc nubs are cmphasized bv being a ditferent color.
Fluffy Yams
Fltifiy vam» are higłwolutne yarns that lock like mohair or angora, hut are madc (tom synthctic łihcrs.
Sltorn Yams
Shom yams contain a linę loopcd thread. The specialty yarn is added morę quickty during spinning so that thc excess yarn forms smali Inops.
Shiny or Specialty Yarns
The lLst of shiny yarns Ls endlcss. Tlte natural cxception is shiny silk, because most >hinv yams are produced front Chemical libers, Specialty yams are gencrally used for dres&y pieces or lor piece> madę front mixcd yams with individual “glittery" areas.
Camel Hair
Camel hair has a slightly natural shine. Purc cantcl hair cannot bc Jycd. In order to nbtuin fashionable colors, cantcl hair ahvay> hns to be mixcd wirh other fibers. Generally, high-i|uality virgin wool is useJ for this purpose. sińce it is very similar to Camel hair.
Cashmere goats are not shom; their hair is combed out w hen they lose their coats in thc spring. A cashmere goat only gives about 100 grams (less than V* |h) of wool a year. Thar*s why cashmere is vcry cxpensive. Clothing madę of cashmere ts very light and soft. It also provides grcnter w-armth than any other cype of yarn.
Lambs Wool
LamKs wool is obtaincd from the iirst shearing of a yourtg shcep. It is particularly soft and warm.
Linen ts a fiber obtained from flax plants It ieels cool, ls slightly shiny. reladvcly suit, but not very pliant. Linen yarn is best suiced lor sttmmer clothing. sińce it proeiJes little warmth and rapidly evaporares moisturc- For hand knitting, linen is usually mixeJ wirh other yarns.
Meta llic Polyester
These yams are also callcd lamć yams or lurex yams. A very thtn metal layer i> applied t«s a polyester diament. Indietdual ftlaments arc also twisted together with non-shiny yarns for a ntore quiet effect.
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