Ił you wam to add a rihlnng or band Inter, usc the open cast-on method. This ts also a way to avoid a thick senm ifac pietta ili-it ort knittedarowwise.
Usług yam ot a different color bur nppraximately the same thicknos. crochet .1 row of chain stitches. ftek up .1 stitch łrnm the hack, crosswise part of each cr<vhet stitch. Make sute to pick up the stitches marły. *> thw tlx‘ cliain stitches can be undone easily later on.
After the piece is finished, pick up the first row of stitches on a tlunnet needle and undo the row of cham stitches.
\’ow knir the rirsr row as it it is on the riglu side of the work, ot purl as ii
it is on the wrong stde of the work. using the thinner ribbing itccdle. It you don't work this additional row. the stitches knit wilh the he.nier needles can clearly scen (sce photo to the neht).
Even if you knit the ribbing in the snmc cok>r as the rest of the piece, you shouU work this additional row.
A simple cast on is noc good for casting on a large number of stitches. The hmps are difticuh to knit from the neeille, and tłu- row ot stitches docs not strctch well.
A simple cast on is used for short pieces. Mich as the top edge of buttonholes. To start a row of simple cast on, you necd a slip knot.
Put the end of the yarn under the towards the needle. loop and catch it with the needle.