Perfect edges are an imporiant pan in knitting. They make it easier to sew the knit pieces together. and those edges tliat are not hidden away in a seam are supposed to look decorative.
For all knttted pieces will be sewn together larer. I recom-mend sekedgc stitches that are knit mice, that is. in every row, rathor than sekcdgc stitches that are knit once. This ninkes the stitches next to the sekedge stitches moro uniform. Aiso. the pieces can be sewn together morę attractively, hecausc when sekedge stitches are knit only oncc, little Iwles often form at the seams.
Seam Selvedge
For seam sekedge in stockinctte stuch, all the stitches are knit in the stockinette pattern—i.e., all of theni are knit on the right sidc of the work. purled on the wrong sicie of the work; vice verea for rcverse stockinette stitch.
This firm sekedge is good for any pieces that are going ,<ł I11’ sewn together later. So that the seam stays tlat, hali stitches can bc sewn togeth-ct in the case of thick ot bulky yarns.
Aiso, this is the best sekedge if you intend to knit on bands.
Garter Stitch Selvedge
In a garter stitch sekedge, the set-vedge stitches are slipped knitwise at the beginning ofcach row, and knu at rhe end of e.ich row. Or vice versa; the sekedge stitches are knit ar rhe beginning ofeach ri*w and slipped knitwise at the end ofeach row. However, this way of knitting has becn shown to have sonie draw-backs. In cvery 2 rows, therc is an offset in the knit piece, which reaches seeeral stitches into the piece and remains visible ovcn after the seams are sewn.
For this renson, a knitted or purled garter stitch sekedge is betler. Here. rhe sekedge stitches are knit or purled at the beginning and end of each row.
Seam sehedge
Knitted garter stitch sehedge
Purled garter stitch sekedge