
Ib make your kntiting appear synintctrical whcn working with increases with yam over, work the y.im over ahcad of the center stitch "the wrong way." Place the yam over the right needle tri >m rhe back to the front; l'vit afrcr the center Mitch, place the yam over tire normaI way. In the ncxt row on the wrong skle of rhe work. purl the norntal yam ovcr ahcad of the center stitch twisted, and just purl rhe "wrong" yam over aiter the center stitch.

h>r increases front the horitonral thread* betwcen stitchcs, ptek up the horizonral thread ahcad of the center stitch front back to front and knit it; afrer the center stitch, pick up the lunizonial thread front front to back and knit ii twisted.

Tltcsc łymmetrkal increases are intportant tor emphasized slantcd edges that are knit front the top to the bottont. i lere, the patiem is imiforntly widened on hoth sides of the center sntches, and the increases recede into the background.

In the knitted exantplcs on the following pages, the increases are worked on hoth sides; ltowever, they can be worked eitlter only on one side or on hub sides.

Patterns with Decreases and Increases

1 lere are two inorc exaittples of pat-rems in which double decreases and increases form the hasis of the partem. The increases are worked with yam over; the double decreases are worked with the center stitch on top.

For diii wcrewie on the siJć, but twisted stitch /roni the luni&ntal thretul on et en fotlTth TOM'.

Fot ifus slunt, u yam-mvr memue u uorkcJ on I*>th suies of the Lnge Kred stiicli paltem on etery other ruu\ on lite rig/u stde of ihe umk. aini pnWcd on the wrong ii Je.


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In these two

Jemenu, tlie cliewm shajK is ereated with decreases mul increases.



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