l iere, thc ncckbtmd was umkctl with <1 double decrease, tu JexrihcJ befou1.
Slipped stitches are nomialiy slipped m ihe rows on tlić riglu sidc i*f the work, pnrlcd in the rows on thc wrong sidc ofthe work. However, il you want to work the decreases over thc slipped stitches in such .1 patiem, you nmst slip rhese stitches as it to ptul in rhe rows. on the wrong sidc ot' rhe work, and knit them in rhe rows on thc right sidc of thc work. The appearance of the slipped stitches remairn unchangcd.
Retween the slipped stitches. always work I or i stitches in twersc śrockinecce stitch. In the cemet ot the front, there are i slipped srirches. l or the neckband, put the center one of rhese slipped stitches on a s.ifety pin. Here the siani ts worked every other row. On thc right sidc of rhe V-neck. knit thc single slipped stitch togerher wirh thc stitch in front pi'it; just >lip it in the row on the wrong sidc ofthe work. On rlie lcft sidc ot thc Y-neck. work a single decrease: Slip thc slipped stitch as if to knit. knit thc ncxt stitch. and pass rhe slipped Stach over the knit stitch.
For a double decrease with the center srirch on top. slip 2 stitches knitwise. but the ncxt stitch, and pass thc slipped stitches over.
The pattern ofthe swcatcr with this neckband i> worked as fołlows: *4 stitches in stockinette stitch, I stitch reverse stockinette, 1 >fitch knit gar ter stitch, I stitch stockinette, I stitch knit garter stitch, 1 stitch revefsc stockin-erre, repent from*. In the center of rhe front, there are 4 stockinette stitches.
l or the neckline, pur che center 2 stitches on u safety pin. Move the decreases 6 srirches in troni the edge—i.e., purl the outer stitches, in reverse stockinette. of the patrem rihs next to the edge together with the stitch hefore or after tlnim, depending on thc side ymt are on.
Here the decreases wcrc worked every other row 5 limes, then every lourth row. This mnkes the V a little rounder towards the tip.
For the neckband, pick up thc stitches with a circular needlc l'*cginning at a >houlder; pick up thc Z center stitches along with the rot. For thi' neckband, rhe numhcr ot stitches must be dieisiblc by 4. Arr.łngc the pattern in such a way th.it the 2 center stitches are knit stitches; work 2 ptirl stitches and 2 knit stitches altemately on both sides of them. Now, in evcry round, knit the first of thc 2 center stitches together with the stitch in front of it, then work a dngle decrease ovcr the next 2 stitches. Work thesc decreases in the binding-olt row too.
Klatchmg tfu patiem: thc tcxturvd nhs tu i bod i sides of thc neckbwul