“The deep hlue slcy was flecked with clouds of a blue deeper than the fundamental blue of intense cobalt, and others of a clearer blue, like the blue whiteness of the Milky Way. In the blue depth the stars were sparkling, greenish, yellow, white, rosę, brighter, flashing morę like jewels, than they do at home - even in Paris; opals you might cali them, emeralds, lapis, rubies, sapphires.”
lue IS A MYSTERIOUS spiritual color which penetrates the depths of the sea and the far reaches of the sky. It symbolizes the coolness of waters below and heavens above and brings about a mood which is calming, relaxing and soothing without the influence of sensuality or intellect. As a color of endless space and expansion, blue encompasses all that is peaceful and ethereal, gentle and tender. It is a meditative energy which relaxes the mind and stimulates thoughts toward spiritual and psychological matters. Its seeming contradiction between repose and expansion, hiding and revealing, in actuality means taking quiet space to expand one’s deepest feelings and highest concepts. The energy of blue addresses truth and devotion, tranquillity and sincerity, loyalty and reliability.
The person who is true blue and blue-blooded brings consistency, a sense of duty and honor, courtesy and calm, harmony and happiness. Faith and contemplation, serenity and prudence are
its attributes, associated with a sense of formality and tradition. As the quality of blue is soothing and soft, so it encourages