mus dev(7) 36

mus dev(7) 36

192 Miner*a St., Derby, Conn.

DEAR SIR: ... I ara using scven cables in one of my exercises and woold like to know if you hiye any pupils using morę than ten cables. I find your coune is satisfactory. I hare given up wcieht-lifting. I also find your course a ąuicker deve!oper. I have dereloped amazingly sińce following up your course.

Yours sinccrely,


2125 So. M St.. Tacoma. Wash.

DEAR SIR: .... I certainly am glad that I noticed your advertise-asent in the magazine and have taken up your course. because I have receitred ao much benefit from it. both in health and developmcnt. ... I keep getting rotnarks from my friends that I am certainly developing and filłing out wonderfully, and they have asked mc what I have done to myself. and I have been telling tkena about your course.

Yours very truły.


526 Eighth St., Laurę!, Miss.

DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN: I have :mproved morę than I ever thought I couid In a thousand years. and my health and digestion is 100 per cent. better. I feel like a new man My muscles arc large and hard and my step is springy.

Yours very truły.


Lucena. Tayabas, P. I.

MY DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN:    As one ot your students, I am enclosing with

Ais letter two photographa of myself. In these photograpłis, you can see a few muscles whieb were madę by your progressive exerciser and three months only. . .

Your pupil,


(See phutos, pages 10 and 11)

213 Tenth St.. Sharpsburg. Pa.

DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN: .... I received your third lesson and am much pleased so far. My cali muscles have devełopcd the most and have mereated

oco inch already. I hope to make them another inch or morę bigger......

My neck has inereased HO per cent. My calf and neck were the easiest of aU to develop.

Yours truły.


La Port. Tcxas.

DEAR INSTRUCTOR: I’m morę than pleased with your system so far. In the first three days I gaincd half an inch on my biceps, in my neck one bałf aa inch, and also in other muscles.

Your pupil,


113 Cord St., Charleston. W. Va.

DEAR SIR:    I cannot tell or cxplain in mere words the benefit

derived from your course. Your course cannot be cqualled for quick muscle develop-ment. The money value of the course cannot bc estimated.    I hare

gained nine pounds of solid muscle in a vrry short timc.

Sincerely yours,



that I gained about 10 pounds.

2027 Blvd. PI.. Indianapolis, Ind.

I got weighed tonight and was surprised to see

Yours sincerely,


Brooklyn, N. Y.

DEAR FRFF.ND:    I have received my last lesson and I think your instructioaa

are great.    My stornach has improved wonderfully and I feel fuli oi pep.

I feel like a differciit boy and I thank you for your very kind attention to me I am,


Yours truły.


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