mus dev(7) 37

mus dev(7) 37

106 St. John St.. Macon, Ga.

DEAR MR LIEDERMAN:    ... I have buckled down to it now and

arn getting morę interested in my cxercises. ... I wish, Mr. Liederman, I could shake your hand, because 1 like you, not only because of your fine physicaJ form, but also for your good work and this is why. Since beconiing inetrested in Pbysjcal Culture, I notice almost every boy about my age. dissipating and ruining their Iives. caring not whethcr they develop ęver mto perfcct manhood. You get a person interested in this work. and he sees where he has been wrong and he tries to make up for lost time.

Yours vcry truły,


Box 813. Greeley, Col.

DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN:    ... I took one course in physical culture

before this. but I don’t think it did so much good for mc in three months as youn has donc in thrcc weeks. although it cost twice as much. . . .

Respectfully yours.


ZtkJi) Freeland Avc., McKeesport, Pa.

DEAR SIR:    Have followed your instructions carefully and find that exerris*

has donc me a grcat dcal of good. ELuve gained morę weight and fecl a whole lot better. Can eat and sleep better. . . . Hare quit using tobacco. . . .

Yours truły,


78 Fountain St.. Woonsocket, R I.

DEAR FRIEND:    I have rcceived your two lcttcrs and your exerctsert and I

am rery happy to tell you that so far 1 am pleased with the course . . . Hm

?[uit smoking and have no desire for dissipation .... One good rcsult I see so ar is that I am getting red cheecks. and when a fellow sees results hc begins to sit up and take notice.    .    . I don't know of any fellow in this city with a good

physique and I wouldn't be far front right if 1 satd that I am your only pupil front here.    Am just beginning to fecl the touch of energy.    .    .    . I »ns

certainly pleased with your course.

Your faithfu] pupil,


425 Main St., Norwich, Conn.

DEAR SIR:    . The exerciser you sent me is a dandy one, and I

wouldn't part with it for any amount of money.

Most cordially yours,


Adjutant General’* Office, Sacramento, Cal.

DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN; I have not taken my measurements as you sug gested, but this is a certainty—I have materially iraproved in feelings and derelop-ment sińce taking up work with your exerciser. I have stuck to your instructiona and the exercising faithfully, and can now use the high tension apparatus for all msrement].    When I began my Adam's applc was real prominent, but

now it is fast disappearing

Yours for health and succesa,


4142 N. 5th St., Philadelphia. Pa.

DEAR MR LIEDERMAN:    Your instructions rcceived O. K. Am getting

along fine. I feel much better and am not tired after work any morę. Your course has certainly done wonders for me so far and I hope that all your pupils havc the same success I have.

Yours in health,

L. J. RAU.

.nuimfiucu, .iiinn.

DEAR MR LIEDERMAN:    In appreciation of the fine lessons and the course

wkich I havę just completed. I desire to thank you. You have done a great work lor me. overcoming several bad habits to which I was rapidy becoming a victim. I feel twice as well as when I first started your course.    Hoping that in

•orne way. I may show my appreciation of your good work for me, I remain,

Yours truły,




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