340 E. 7th St., Jck»onville, Fla.
DEAR MR. L1EDERMAN: .... 1 appreciate to the fullcst the aentd-■icntt expressed in your letter and wish to assure you of my satisfaction at tho results obtained from your course of instructions. It U with pleaaur*
tfcat I look forward to the work and the only regret I have in sight ia the faot that I will not have your encouraging weekly letter* always. It is posslble that yon have never viewcd your letter* in that light, but it is a fact that they are a •onree of inspiration. and create a desire in the pupil to exert himsclf to co»e up to the requirementa.
Your* very truły,
501 Milton Ave., Solvay, N Y.
DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN: I ani sending you my latest measurement* and I atu very glad to say I got morę results out of one month of your exercises than of one year of light excrcise*
Your* truły,
19 Belleview Ave.. Ossining, N. Y.
DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN: I thought I would writc and tell you bow I im getting along with the course. I have in six weelcs' timc, inereased my biceps orne aad three-quartcrs inches and have added an inch on my neck, three inches om my ehest and have inereased and hardened all of my other muscles. I will gladly recommcnd your course to anyone, as I think you deserve credit for your woadcrful help towards me Your excrciser certainly does make muscle. Your courso aloae i* worth twice the price you sell it for, and with the individual pcrsonal attentioa you give. it is the best course I have heard of, and I have letters from all ot tke adyertised instructors. You don't boast yourself. by telling wh3t you ca* do and how many pounds you can lift. hut I can tell you that your muscles arc undoubtodly the finest in the world. and I sliall ncver forget the day I called on you wbau you ■howed them to me. I will bc sorry when my course expircs, as I look forward to the interesting letters you send me each week. If anyone i* in doubt of your oourse, tell them to write or come and see me, and 1 guess they will cbange thoir mind. . . The results from your course speak for themselves.
I enclose two pictures of myself, and if you compare them with the first I seat you. you will notice a rast difference in iny size.
I aro your pupil.
Keyes, Ckl.
DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN: I must write to you from time to time to let yoo know how I am getting along.
I am now entering the third week of my course and it is so interestiag I cos hardly express my joy.
I wish morę young fellows would take a course with you.
I measured my neck this morning: it is a fuli 17-inch neck at this datę. I haye a difference in arin measurement too. I now have a l6$4-inch arm.
Say, when 1 get through this course I will be a rcal strong mun. I aotice a big difference in strength now. Use me for any rcfcrence you wish for; Tm with you in your work I cannot speak of you and your work too highly.
Yours for better success, Tm your proud pupil.
48 Central Ave., Jersey City, N. J.
DEAR SIR: The four lessons that I'm in receipt of are morę tbaa
•atisfactory and I trust that tho*e to follow will be just as satisfaetory. The reason whjr you have auch success with your pupils is that you give them enceuragemeat. and encouragement is what counts. Your photos arc beautiful and it is an honor *© have your picturc tacked on the wali. ... I am striving to become your ■tar pupil and will try to have my picture rank higher than Chas. Atlas, your present "star.’’
Respectfully, your pupil,
Fage, W. Va.
pupil*. aad ipare nothing to girę them the b«t you have. Your letters grip aad hołd one'* attention, and they feel ju*t like you were an old friend