Now, rcadcr, you liave rcad what others think of my course, and havc seen proof in the few photographs of what my system can do, not only for my own body, but for anyone who really wants it. Th* splcndid and well developed athletes whosc photographs ippear on tbcse pages simply show you a few cxamples of the resuits of my teachings. 1 havc hundreds of others whosc pictures display just as much muscular developmcnt, but space docs not permit reproducing them all, so I have just selc^ted a few of them.
You surely have enough proof now, and should not hesitate about enrolling with mc. I ani surę that if you realized the importance of each day under my guidance, you would not hesitate, but would enroll at once. It will pay you to deny yourself of a few pleasures or Iuxurie» for the ncxt few weeks or so, in order to enroll with me, if you really cannot at present afford my smali fee.
There is one thing that I want you to do, and that is, if you should not be ready to enroll with me now, sit down and write me and State your case, and I will answer your letter promptly. I want every reader of this booklet to become one of my pupils.
If you are interested in wrestling, boxing, feats of strength, or any other branch of physical culttire, I will gladly give you special help in any subject you desirc. My vasł experience in wrestling and boxing qualifies me to give perfect instruction in these subjeets.
Now write me today, and should there be any other information about my course that you would like to know, do not hesitate to ask me.
Don’t delay, or put off this opportunity, but obey that impulse and enroll NOW while it is on your mind.
Remember my Iow price—$28—now is your opportunity.
When you enroll with me you are all through paying. I ship my exerciser prepaid, and should you reside outside of the United States, I even pay duty on same. I do not do as some other instructors do — offer other equipment which you must buy in order to continue the course. When you once send me $28 you are through paying, and don’t have to spend another cent.