you will buiid you up alone wilhout my system to a certain extcnt, but wke» combined with my instruction which will give you th® same •xercUe« that I used to develop myself, you can realize what rapid re«ult* you can obtain if you will but follow my instructions.
The amount of resistance o£ my apparatus can be adjusteil w #ver 200 lbs. This excrciser is a neat contrivance, weighing but a ftw pounds and consisting of ten extra heavy tensioncd cablcs and these are so arranged that they can be adjusted to suit your prtsMt and futurę strength. You must not mistake these cables for anythiag that you can purchase on the market today, for they are niadt es-pecially for me and my purpose only. They must be seen and tried in order to be appreciated.
I am not going to condemn or criticise any instructor ®r any course advcrtised today, but let me tell you that I have investifatcd and tried them all I have wasted time and enerąy on everything from light spring exercises to heavy weight lifting and I haye proven. not only on my own body, but on the bodies of my pupils that my system will positively develop the muscles a great deal ąuicker than any other method. I have hundreds of letters from my pupils to prove this.
Hundreds of my pupils have taken other courses before enrolling with me. If these other courses accomplish such wonders, why should they not be satisfied with the rcsults? Why should they want to take my system?
Because they realize that my methods produce rcsults ąuicker than any other system on the market, bar nonę.
There is no tiresome repetition of movements in my course that only uses up vitality. Such exerciscs as L told you, will never buiid up large muscles. But the movements I give you are the greatest muscle building exercises to bc had and as I said before, are the samo exercises I used to develop myself. You will get exercises that are real exerciscs and you will enjoy them for they will bring you results. This I positively guarantee.
My iron-clad guarantee is in back of this entire course and if you do not like the apparatus and the very first lesson I send you I will cheerfully and promptly refund your money. And each succeeding lesson you get will be just as interesting and as beneficial as the first and perhaps a great dcal morę. for cach lesson is arranged for you and you only, according to your measurements. and what you tell me about yourself in your first letter to me.
My system is complete in cvcry way—it covers the entire body and there are no incomplete and half-way exercises in any lesson you will get.
My exercises will in no way endanger you of bccoming muscle-bounrl. but they will teach you how you can move or control any muscles you desire at will.
All over the walls of my nine Office rooms are photographs of my pupils. and before I am through with you you will also be anxious to send me a photograph of yourself, for you will be proud of the results you have obtained from your efforts.
One important feature about my course and my letters is, I will po«itively arouse your enthusiasm and hołd it during my entire corre-■pondence with you; and by the time you get the last lesson you will have enough results from your efforts to keip vour interest up.