51870 mus dev(7) 29

51870 mus dev(7) 29

Muscular Development

What Exerci*e Will Do For You

Have you ever stopped to consider the various benehts derivcd from a good muscular development? Or do you think just a lot of rmtscle is all you will acąuire from systematic exercise? Herc are a few things that you will surely get besides muscles and which you cannot have unless you have a fairly good physiąue.

You will gct pcrsonality—an appearance that will make you stand out among your associates. Every one will know you arc an athlete— surely a pleasant distinction. You will havc an erect posturę, broad shoulders and a healthy, ruddy look in your face. Your eyes will be elear and lines from dissipation will be entircly absent.

You will be strong. You will be able to lift objects without ap-pa-ent effort that once you could hardly move. You will be able to do mo.e and much better work than ever before and not havc that worn-out feeling at the end of the day. You will experience the joy of living.

You will enjoy your meals and not be In lear of indigestion. You will forget that there ever was such a thing as constipation.

You will live in a different World, so to speak. You will have no desire for dissipation, but will lead a clean physica! culture life—the only life, really, that is worth living.

In other words you will be a real man, and not a tailor-made one.

Don’t you think it is well worth striying for?

A good development is within the reach of all. If you want it you can attain it—it is simply up to yourself.

No matter what your occupation may be, you need exercise 1 don't care if you are a day laborcr or an iron worker, nor how bard you may work, you will never be able to accomplish, without systematic exercise. one-half of what a traincd athlete can.

Remember work is labor, while excrcise is reereation.

How the Muscles Increase m Size

If you have had any experience with exercising at all, you will notice that your muscles seem to “swell up" after you finish a certain movemcnt. Thcy stand out morę and are much liardcr. That is be-cause the blood rushes to the part you have exercised. But there really is a difference in size, before and after exercising. If you measure your upper arm, for instance, before starting a certain movement and then exercise it yigorously, giving both the biceps and triceps plenty of work until they are fairly aching and then measure your arm around the same part again. you will notice a difference of 54 to    an inch,

according to the size of your development. This you can do with any muscle or group of muscles in your body. It is this constant “swelling up" of your muscles that finally makes them stay so, or rather, in-creases their size.

A ąuarter of an inch morę of muscle on your arm, for example, makes a vast difference in appearance.

Almost anybody can acąuire a 16-inch muscular upper arm. It is not hard to get It simply means doing the proper exercises with absolute regularity.



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