76597 mus dev(7) 34

76597 mus dev(7) 34

Ali I charge is tlie smali iee ot $28 lor all. Sttrely a well developed body is worth the smali amount I ask.

I have not one dissatisfied pupil and a list of my pupils' naates and addresses will be sent yoti upon reąuest.

My pupils becomc my friettds, and they all consider me their friend, and you will too, if you take my course.

Once you enroll with mc, you are my pupil for life, for even though your course lasts but about three months, you are welcome to correspond with nu ever after, and I gladly answer all your ques-tions and continue to help you without any extra charge whatsoever.

No matter what condition you are in at present, whether you are siekły or whether you are strong, I can improvc you 100% in a few weeks, and before 1 am through with you, you will know what ęobust health and strength means.

Get out of that rut you are living in and bccome a rcal man. Have

a strong personality, strength, deyelopment, endurance, and know what life means when you are an athlete.

Have you any bad habits that are wasting your best years away and sapping your vitality? Be honest with yourself, for you alone know.

Are you a s!ave to youthful errors that are slowly making you a morał and physical wreck? If you are, you can overcome them, and I can be of great help to you. I can fili you fuli of “pep” and energy and make you master of yourself.

Can you honestly stand in front of a mirror and look yourself •traight in the eyes and cali yourself a real man? You are judged by your appearance. Are you satisfied with YOUR appearance? You can be. Don't misunderstand me, and think I want you to be egotisti-cal, for such is not my point I simply want to impress upon you the importance of a clean mind and body—one that you will be proud of. You don't necessarily havc to be vain to feel. as you pass people on the streets, that you are physically superior to all, and that you could come out a winner if attacked under any circumstances. It is simply s feeling of superiority that goes with a strong and well developed body. If you have not this feeling in you, by all means get it.

Send me your complete mcasurcinents and tell me as much about yourself and your way of Iiving as you can, and if I think that you need speciai help in reducing flesh or in gaining weight or in over-coming any bad habits, I will send you a spccial lesson for that pur-pose without extra charge. Such a’ lesson would be worth at least $5.00 morę, but I will include it with the course simply because I want to give you as complete a system as is possible.

If my course does not do all I claim, I will refund your money and you will, of course, return the progressive exerciser at my expense. I invite correspondence. Remember opportunity knocks but once. Here is your opportunity to get strong and muscular for the smali price I ask—$28 Take advantage of this offer and enroll today. Each day you postpone is a day lost, so send for my course now, while it is •n your mind.

Send remittancc by P. M. O. or cash (if cash, be surę to register letter), to


305-309 Broadway, New York Gity.


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