73490 sc12

73490 sc12

Rnd 6: {Slip st, ch 1. 3 sc) in first ch-3 sp, ch 10,

(3 sc in each of next 2 sps. ch 10) around to last sp.

3    sc in last sp: join with slip st to first sc: 72 sc and 12 loops.

Rnd 7: Slip st in next sc. ch 1. sc in same st and in next sc. ★ t (sc. ch 3. dc in third ch from hook) twice in next loop. ch 5, slip st in fifth ch from hook. (ch 3. dc in third ch from hook. sc) twice in same loop as last sc madę, sc in next 2 sc, work Picot. skip next 2 sc. sc in next 2 sc. 2 sc in next loop. (work Picot. 2 sc in same loop) 5 times. sc in next 2 sc. work Picot, skip next 2 sc f. sc in next 2 sc: repeat from ★ 4 times morę. then repeat from t to t once; join with slip st to first sc. finish off.

*    *    *    *    12    * ;i; * S

Bedspread Weight Cotton Thread: 14 yards

4    mm Beads: 36



Ch 2. ★ YO. insert hook in sp indicated. YO and puli up a loop. YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from ★ once morę. YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook.


★ YO. insert hook in sp indicated. YO and puli up a loop. YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat from ★ 2 times morę. YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook.


4 Dc in ch-4 sp indicated. drop loop from hook. insert hook in first dc of 4-dc group, hook dropped loop and draw through.


Ch 4, slip st in fourth ch from hook. ch 1.


Ch 5, slip st in fourth ch from hook, ch 2.

String all beads onto thread.

Ch 8; join with slip st to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (Right side): Work Beginning Cluster in ring. ch 4. (work Cluster in ring, ch 4) 5 times: join with slip st to top of Beginning Cluster: 6 ch-4 sps.

Rnd 2: (Slip st. ch 1. sc) in first ch-4 sp, (slide bead up. ch 1. sc in same sp) 3 times. ★ sc in next ch-4 sp. (slide bead up. ch 1. sc in same sp) 3 times; repeat from ★ around; join with slip st to first sc:

24 sc.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in back ridge of ch around first bead (Fig. 1, page 2). (ch 4, sc in back ridge of ch around next bead) around. ch 2. hdc in first sc to form last ch-4 sp: 18 ch-4 sps.

Rnd 4: Ch 1. sc in last ch-4 sp madę. ch 4. work Popcorn in next ch-4 sp. ch 1. (slide bead up, ch 2) 3 times. work Popcorn in next ch-4 sp.

* ch 4. sc in next ch-4 sp. ch 4. work Popcorn in next ch-4 sp, ch 1, (slide bead up, ch 2) 3 times. work Popcorn in next ch-4 sp; repeat from ★ around. ch 2. hdc in first sc to form last ch-4 sp:

36 sps.

Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in last ch-4 sp madę. ★ + work Large Picot. sc in next ch-4 sp, 2 dc in next ch-1 sp, work Picot. skip next bead. 2 dc in sp before next bead, work Large Picot. skip next bead. 2 dc in sp before next bead, work Picot, skip next bead. 2 dc in next sp +, sc in next ch-4 sp; repeat from ★ 4 times morę. then repeat from f to t once: join with slip st to first sc. finish off.

* * * * 13 * . * *

Bedspread Weight Cotton Thread: 16 yards 4 mm Beads: 84



(abbreuiated BPsc)

Insert hook from back to front around post of dc indicated (Fig. 2. page 2). YO and puli up a loop, YO and draw through both loops on hook.


Ch 3, dc in third ch from hook. slide 3 beads up. ch 4. dc in third ch from hook.


Ch 2. slip st in top of last sc madę (Fig. 3, page 2)



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