

Rnd 5: (Sc in each of nexl Z sts, 2 sc in rext st) around. (40)

Rnd 6; (Sc in r>ext 4 sts, 2 st in rext si) around, pin with sl st first sc. (48)

Rnd 7: Working in back Ips, ch 1, sc in each st around, do not join.

Rnds 3-19: Sc in each st around, do not Joln. At end of Ust md, join with sl st in firt»L sc.

Rnd 20: Working in front Ips, ch 1,2 sc in each st around, do not join.

Rnds 21-22: Sc in each st around, do not jołn. At end of las: rnd. jo n Fasten off.


Row 1: With fluss iirc No. 12 hook, ch 7, sc in second ch fron hook. sc in each t.h armw, turr.. (6 ścinacie)

Rows 2-5: C- 1, skip fiisl sl, sc n eai.h sl across. turn. At end of last row, leaving 10’’ end roi sewing, fasten off.

Sew ends of rows together forming ooint at lip o' Nose. .S:*iff Nose with remaininy end <>' floss.


1: For head, paint wcoden bali knob white. Let dry.

2: On t enter front o* wocden lwi knob, make two dots with blank marker W apar: for eyes. With red. make s;x dots for smi e 3/a below eyes.

3: Ciup Carrct Nose cerilered bstlween eyes and smi e. Appiying a litlle g ue, irsert sdck info hołe at sortom of head. Set aside.

4: Gather nettinc />" frorr edyc with Sawiny needlc and thread. Place Potpourri in center and p jII thread to gather netting dosed. Securit ifurad by tying in knot at top of potpourri bal!.

5: For drawstring, with wulO, ch 120. Fasicn off. Stating and end-ing at front, weave drawstiincj through beading rnd on Body. Insert polpoum bali into Body. Insert end of stick through lup uf Body. P.ill rirawstring tighlly and tie ends in bow.

6: Sew blacs buttons evenly sjkjc <’d down fronl on Body.

7: Foi each Arm, flatter last mc and sew over rnd 32 on Body (see photo)

S: ~ c faoric around r.ecltfor scarf anc place I lat on Head. □ J




Rnds 30-54: Hdc in (Mch

7'/" tali, indudlng 1 lat.

9 sts = T; 6 hdc rows = 14 dc


rows = 1".



Cb, sl st, sc, hele, dc.

J 250 yds. Myrlle (green) *484 South Mdidfi Art. D54 by Coats St Clark or size 10 cro-chet cctto-i thread U 1 yd. UghtTan *437 Cebelia*’ Art 167A by DMC* or size 10 crcchet cotton thread _ł Y/>” woodeu buli knob/flat bot-:om with Vk 1 hole J 3'/V wooderi slic k lo tit :n hole

U Two 12mm V/ round wooderi beads

U 17; cups potpourri LI 10!z?'-d;ameterdrrle netting J Smali amonu: Browr Curly Hair‘" by One & Only Cre-afrons''-5

u 70'' piece Vi6r green velvet ribbon

U 4 smali gold jingle helis u rraft g ue

_i Blue and red permaneit markers

_l Sewing thread J Sewing and tapestry needles J No. 5 stee hook or hook need-ed to obtain yuugs?


Rnds 1-14: With green, wurk nids I-i 4 of Santa Body on pages 3 ana 4.

NOTES: D.i not join mdi i.r.fcss cih-titwhe siated. Mark fest st of each rnd.

Rnd 1S: Working in back Ips

(stt- Siitch Guide), ch 2, hdc in each st around.

(1 27. hdc)

Rnds 16-20: Hdcin each st around.

Rnd 21: (Hdc i n nexl ' 2 sis, hdc next 2 sts tog) around. (!!7)

Rnds 22 24: Hdc :n each st around.

Rnd 25: (Hdc ir next 11 si.ś, hdc next 2 sts tog) around. (108)

Rnds 26-2R: Hdc in each Sl arcHind.

Rnd 29: (Hdc in neset 10 sts, hdr ne>:t 7 ststog) around. (W)


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