each of nexl 2 sts. 2 tle in each of ne.M 4 sts, dc in each <d next 2 sts. ch I. skip next ch sp) around. join.
Rnd 5: Ch 5. skip nnxt sl, (dc in next st. ch 2. skip noxt st) 5 times. dc in noxt cli-1 sp. ch 2. *(dc in nexl sl. ch 2. skip ne.M st) fi times. dc in nex! rh-l sp. ch 2: ropcat from * around. join wilh sl sl in Ihird ch of ch 5.
Row G: For First Point, ch 3. (dc in noxt ch-2 sp. dc in next st) 2 limes, (ch 2. dc in next sl) 2 limes, (dc in ne.\l cli-2 sj). dc in ncxt st) 2 times !c*aving remaining sls unworked. tum.
Row 7: Ch 3. dc ncxt 2 sls to#, dc in oach of m»xt 2 sls. ch \. skip nexi i:h sp. dc in ncxt sl. ch 1. skip noxl ch sp. dc >n each of next 2 sts. dc »ext 2 sts to#, dc in last sl. tum.
Row H: Ch 3. do nexl 2 sts tog. dc in m?xt st. (ch 1. skip next ch sp. dc; in next st) 2 limes, dc next 2 sts tog. dc in Insi st. turn
Row fi: Ch 3. dc next 2 sls tog. skip next di sj>. dc in noxt sl. skip next cli >p. d< uext 2 sts tog. dc in łasi st. tur ii.
Row III: Ch 3. dc in ©ach st across. turn.
Row i 1: C.h 3, (yo. insert hook in next sl. yo. puli through sl. yo. puli ihrough 2 Ips on hook) 4 times. yo. puli through uli 5 Ips on hook. tum. Fasten off.
Row 6: For Second Point, join wilii sl st in ne\l dc on rnd ch 3. (dr. in noxt ch-2 sp. dc in noxl st) 2 times. (ch 2. dc in ne\t st) 2 times. (dc in ne.M cli'2 sp. dc in noxl st) 2 limes leaeing remaining sts unworked. turn.
Rows 7*11: Repeat rows 7-11 of Firsl Point,
For remaming Poinls. repeat Sec-ond Point 3 morę times. At end of last Point, do not fasten off.
Ch 1. (sc: for picol. ch 3. sl st in Ihird ch from hook: sc) in firsl st. *[ovonly space 11 sc across ends of rows to noxt ch-2 sp on rnd 5 Iwtwcen Points, ch 5. sl st in ihird ch from hook. ch 2. skip ne.M ch-2 sp. evcnly space 11 sc across onds of rows on ne.M Point to st al lip of PointI. (sc. picot. sc) in ncxt sl: repeat from * 3 morę times: rejwat lietween ( i. join with sl st in firsl sc. Fasten off.
Apple fabric stiffener. Shnpe. I.ot dry. JJ
MATERIALS: Size Hlcrochot cot-ton—30 yds. white; fahric sliffoner: No. 7 Steel hook.
FINISHED SIZE: Approximalcly A/*' across.
STITCHES USED: Ch. sl st. sc. dc.
.V077f: Work in continuom* rnds: do not join or turn unless otherwise stated. Mark first st of each nul.
Rnd 1: C.h 5. sl st in firsl ch to form ring. (ch fi. sc in ring) 5 limes (5 sc. 5 ch sps).
Rnd 2: (Ch fi. 3 sc. in next ch sp) f» times.
Rnd 3: (Ch f>. 3 sc in next ch sp. s<: in oach of next 2 sts. skip next st) 5 times.
Rnd 4: (Ch li. 3 s<; in next ch sp, sc in noxt 4 sts. skip next st) 5 times.
Rnd 5: (Ch f>. 3 sc in ncxt cli sp. st: in noxt (> sts. skip nexl st) 5 times
Rnd G: (Ch f>. 3 sc in next ch sp. st in next 8 sls. skip next st) 5 times.
Rnd 7: (Ch 6. 3 sc in noxt ch sp. sc m next 10 sts. skip next st) 3 times.
Row 8: For First Point, ch 6. sl st in noxt st. sc in next 11 sts. sl st in noxt st leaeing remaining sls unworked. turn.
Row 9: Ch 1. skip first s! st and sc. sc in next 9 sts. sl st in ne.M st. turn.
Row 10: Ch 1. skip first sl st and su. st: in next 7 sts. sl st in next st. turn.
Row 11: Ch 1. skip first sl st and sc. sc in next fi sts. sl st in next st. turn.
Row 12: Ch 1. skip first sl st and sc. sc in each of next 3 sts. sl st in ncxt st. turn
Row 13: Ch 1. skip first sl st. sc. in each of noxt 2 sts. sl st in next st. tum.
Row 14: Ch 3. dc last 2 sls tog. do not turn.
Row 15: Ch 1. sc in first st. ch 3. sc in end of same row. (ch 3. skip next row. sc: in end of next row) 3 times. ch 3. sc in cml of nexl row. ch 3. sc in next ch-f» sp. ch 3. sl st in noxl st. sc in noxl 11 sts. sl st in noxt st leaving remaining sts unworked. tum.
Rows 16-21: Kopoat rows 9-14.
Rows 22-42: Repoat rows 15-21 conscc:utively.
Row 43: Cli 1. sc: in first sl. ch 3. sc in end of same row. (ch 3. skip next row. sc in end of ne.M row) 3 limes, ch 3. sc in end of next row. ch 3. sc in ne.M ch-fł sp. ch 3. join with s) st in first sl st of First Point. Fasten off.
Apple fabric stiffener. Shape. U*t dry. JJ
MATERIALS: Size 10 crochet cot-ton—30 vds white: fahric. stiffener. No. 7 steel hook.
FINISHED SIZE: Approximatelv
5Vs' across.
STITCHES USEI): Ch. sl st.se. hdc, dc. tr.
Rud 1: Ch G. sl st in first cli to form ring. ch 1. (sc in ring. ch 3) 10 times. join willi sl st in first sc (10.se. 10ch sps).
Rnd 2: Sl st in firsl cli sp. ch 1. sc m same ch sp as sl st. (cli 3. sc in ne.M ch sp) around. ch 1. join with hdc in first sc: (10 ch sps).
Rnd 3: Ch 1. sc in same sp. ch fi. sc in next ch sp (ch 3. sc in ne.M ch sp. ch (>. sc. in next ch sp) 4 times. di 2. join as buforu.
Rnd 4: Ch 1. sc; in samo ch sp. (5 dc. ch 3. 5 dc) in next ch sp. *sc in next ch sp. (5 dc. ch 3. 5 dc) in next ch sp; repeat from ' 3 morę times. join with sl st in firsl sc.
Rud 5: Ch 1. sc in first st. ch 8. dc in next ch-3 sp. di 8. (sc in next sc. cli 8. dc in next ch-3 sp. ch 81 4 times. join as before.
Rnd 6: C.h 1. sc in first st. 8 dc in noxt ch sp. di 3. 8 dc in next cli sp. (sc in noxt st. 8 dc in noxt ch sp. ch
3. 8 dc in noxt c.h sp) around. join.
Rnd 7:Ch l.scin first st.di 12.de
m next ch-3 sp. di 12. (sc in ne\t nc. ch 12, dc in next r.h-3 sp. ch 12) around. join.
Rnd 8: Ch 1. sc in first st. 12 dc in next c.h-12 sp. cłi 3. 12 dc in noxt ch-12 sp. (sc in next st. 12 dc m ne.M ch-12 sp. ch 3. 12 dc in next ch-12 sp) around. join.
Rnd 0: Ch 1. sc in firsl st. Mdi 3. skip nuM dc. sc in noxt dc. (ch 3. skip noxt dc., sc in next dc) 5 times. ch 4. tr in next ch-3 sp. ch 4. (s! st. ch
4. sl st. ch 4. sl st) in fourtłi ch from hook. ch 4, (sc in next dr. ch 3. skip uext dc) fi limes), sc in next sc; repeat from * 3 morę limes: repeat hetween ( ). toin. Fasten off.
Apple fabric stiffener. Shapo. I.ot dry. JJ
8 snowflakes & stars