aa snowflakes stars

aa snowflakes stars

(I. join. Fasten off.

Rnd 6: Join with sc in any Point, •[sc in ncxt 6 sIh. skip moct 4 sts. sc in Bach uf next 2 sts, ch 5, skip next st, next ch-4 sp and next st. sc in cach of next 2 sts, skip n«xt 4 sts. sc in next 6 *ls|, 3 sc in next Point; repeat from 4 4 moro limes; repeat between (1.2 sc in same Point ha flntl 8C.join.

Rnd 7: Ch t. sc in first 5 sts. sc next 2 sts tog, ch 3. (sc, ch 0. sc) in next ch-5 sp. ch 3. skip uoxl 2 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, 4sc in noxt 5 sts, 3 sc in noxt st, sc In next 5 sts. sc next 2 sts tog, ch 3, (sc. ch 6. sc) in nuxt ch-5 sp, ch 3, skip noxt 2 sts, sc noxt 2 sts tog; ropunt from 4 4 moie Umns, sc in noxt 5 sts. 3 SC in last st, join. Fast en off.

Apply fabric stiffener. Shape. Let dry.DD

Snowjlake *12

MATERIALS: $izc 10 crochet cot-ton—30 yds. white; fabric utifTenor, No. 7 atuul hook.

P1NISHED S17.E: Approximatcly 5" acioss.

ST1TCHES USED: Ch. ttI sl, dc. tr. dtr.


Rnd 1; Ch fi, sl st in first ch to form ring; for Pelal. *ch 5. 3 dtr (see Stitch Guide) in ring, ch 5. &1 st in ring: repeathuiii4 5 moro timns (6 Petals).

Rnd 2: SI st in next b ch and each of nc.xt 2 sts. *cl (hee noto below) 2 times, hl st m cwiitur st of noxt 3-dtr group; (for Branch. (ch 10. 2 dc in fourth ch from hook, ch 3. sl st in samo ch. sl Ht in n«xt 3 ch) 2 limes; fur Point, c.h B, 2 tr in fifth ch from honk. r.h 4. sl st in same ch; sl st in next 3 ch, (ch 7, 2 dc in iourth c.h from hook. uh 3. sJ st in same ch, sl st in next B ch) 2 times]; repeat from * 4 mora timos, c) 2 times. bJ bI in samo st os First cl; repeat botwoen l ]. Join with sl «t nt hesc of first cl (6 Branch-os). Fasten off.

NOTĘ: Por cluslcr (cl), ch 6, yo 3 timos, insert honk in sixth ch from hook. yo. puli through ch. (yo, puli through 2 Jps on hook) 3 limes. yo 3 limes, insert hook in same ch. (yo. puli through 2 Ips on hook) 3 times, yo. puli through all 3 Ips on hook.

Knd 3: join with sl sl in sp between tr on any Point. "Ich 4, sl st in same sp. cl. (sl st in sp botween naxt 2 dc on same Branch, cl) 2 times, sl st between nuxt 2 cl, cl; working on n<sxt Branch. (sl st in sp herweon next 2 dc of Branch, cl] 2 times). sl st in sp between 2 Ir of nnxt Point: repeat from * 4 moro timos; ropnat between (J, join with sl st in first sl st. Fasten off.

Applv Tablic stiffenor. Shnpe. Let dry.

Star *1

MATERIALS: Sizo 10 crochet cot-ton—30 yds. white: fabric ikliffanen No. 7 stool hook.

F1NISHED S17.F.: Approximately 5 ’ across.

STHUiES USED: Gh. sl st. sc. dc. STAR

Rnd 1: Ch 4. sl st iti finst ch tn form ring, ch 3. 2 dc In ring. ch 3, (3 dc in ring. ch 3) 4 times, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (15 dc. 5 ch spsj. First ch

3    ominie as first dc.

Rnd 2: Ch 3.2 dc in next st. dr. in next st. r.h 3, skip next ch &p. (dc i.n noxt st. 2 dc in ncxt st. dc in ncxt st. ch 3. skip rutxl ch sp) oround. join as befbre.

Rnd 3: Ch 3. dc in each of noxt 3 sIh, ch 4, skip nnxt ch sp, (dc in ncxt

4    sts. ch 4, skip n«xt ch sp) around, join.

Rnd 4: Ch 3,2 dc in cach of next 2 Sts, dr: in next st. ch 6. skip noxt ch sp, (dc in oext st. 2 dc in oach of next 2 sts. dc in next st. ch 6. skip nrxt ch sp) arounri, join.

Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in same st. (*ch 3. skip next st. dc in each of nnxt 2 sts. ch 3, skip nnxt st, 2 dc in nexl st. ch 3, sc in next ch-fi sp, ch 34. 2 dc in next sl) 4 times; repeat between first and second *. join.

Rnd B: Ch 3, dc in next st. (ch 3, skip ncxt ch sp. dc in oach oi next 2 bis) 2 tńiius, (cn 3. sc in ncxt r.h-3 sp) 2 limes, ch 3. *(dc in each of next 2 sts. ch 3) 3 times. (sc in nexl uh-3 sp. ch 3) 2 limes; repeat from 4 around. join.

Row 7: For First Puint. ch 3, dc Lu next st. (ch 2. skip noxt ch sp, dc in each of ncxt 2 sts) 2 times leaving remaining sts unworked, tum.

Row B: Ch 3. dc In uext st. (ch 2, skip next ch sp, dc in each of m*xt 2 sts) 2 times. tum.

Row 9; Ch 3, dc in next st, ch 1, dc In sp botween next 2 sts. ch 1. dc in each of last 2 sIh. tum.

Row l(k Ch 3. skip next sl, dc next st and laat st tog. tum. Fasten off.

Row 7: For Second Point, join with sl st in next dc on md fi, ch 3, dc in next st, (ch 2, skip next ch *p. dc in each of next 2 sts) 2 timos leaving remaiulng sts unworked, tum.

Rows 8-10: Repeat rows 0-1(1 of First Point.

Koi remaining Points, repeat Second Point 3 umrę timos. At end of last Point, do not fasten off.


Ch l, (sc. ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5. sc) in first st,4 [evenly spacu 10 sc across ends of iows to nnxt sc on md 6, sc next sc. nnxt ch sp and next sc tog ovenly space 10 sc neruss ende of rows on nexl Point to lip uf Point], (sc, ch 5. sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5, sc) in st at tip of Point; repeat from * 3 morę times; repeat between l ], join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off.

Apply fabric stiffenor. Shape. Let dry. OLI

Star *2

MATERIALS: Saze 10 cmcihnt nnt-ton—30 yds. white; fabric stiffener; No. 7 stonl hook.

F1N1SHED S1ZB: Approximately

5 W across.

ST1TCHES USED: Ch. sl st. sc. dc. STAR

Rnd 1: C.h 6. sl st in first ch to form ring. ch 3, 24 dr. in ring. join with sl st in top uf di 3 (25 dc). Ch 3 enunts as first ric.

Rnd 2: Ch 3, 2 dc an oach of next 2 sts. dc in next at. cli 1. skip next st. (dc in ncxt st, 2 dc in cach of next 2 sts, dc in next st. ch 1. skip nuxl st) around. join as buforu.

Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in next st. 2 dc in each of next 2 sts, dc in each of next 2 sts. ch 1, skip next ch sp, Idu in each of next 2 sts. 2 dc in each of noxt 2 sts. dn in each of next 2 sts. ch 1. skip next ch sp) around. join.

Rnd 4; Cli 3, dc in next sl, 2 dc in oach of noxt 4 sts, dc in cach of next 2 sts, ch t, skip next ch sp, (dc in



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