MATERIALS: Size 10 crochol cotton—.10 yds. whito: fabric Htiff-cner; No. 7 steol hook.
FINISHED SIZE: Approximate* ly 4“ a cross.
STITCIIES USED: Ch. sl st, sc. clusier. dc. Ir. dtr.
Rnd 3: Ch 6. sl st in first ch to form ring. ch 3. 23 dc In ring. jolu with sl st in top of ch 3 (24 dc). Ch 3 counts as first dc.
Rnd 2: Ch 1. sc in first st. Bch 4. Ir in naxT st. ch 4. sn in next st. (ch 3, sc in next st) 2 times; repeat from * 4 może; ch 4, tr in noxt st. ch 4, sc in naxt st. ch 3, sc in next st. ch 3. join with sl Bt in first sc.
Rnd 3: Sl st in naxt 4 ch, (sl st, ch 4.10 tr) in ncxt tr. 13 tr in ench tr around. join with sl st in top of ch 4.
Rnd 4: [Ch 9. skip next 3 tr; for dlr next 3 ais tog. *yo 3 limes, insert hook in next st, yo, puli through st. (yn. puli through 2 Ips on hook) 3 limes; rcpeat from * 2 mure limes, yo. puli through all 4 Ips on hook; ch 9. skip noxt 3 Ir, sl st in each of next 2 tri: repeat betweon I 14 times, ch 9, skip noxt 3 sts, dtr noxt 3 sts log, skip n«xl 3 sts, sl st in nnxt sl, jnin with sl st in first ch of first ch 9.
Rnd 5: Sl sl in nvxt 8 cli. sl st iu next dtr. nh 9. sl st in sama st: for clustcr (cl), ch 5, yo 3 times, insert hook in fiflh ch from hook, yo. puli through ch, (yor puli through 2 Ips on hook) 3 times, yo 3 times. insert hook io same ch, yo, puli through ch. (yo, puli through 2 Ips on hook) 3 times, yo. puli through all 3 Ips on hook; cl 2 morc times. (sl st in uext dtr. ch 9, sl st in samo 3 times) around, ioin with sl st in first ch of first ch 9. Fasten off.
Apply fabric atiffener. ShapB. Lot dry.OO
MATERIALS: Size 10 crochet cotton—30 yds. whito: fabric sliff-ener. No. 7 Steel hook.
FINISHED SIZE: Approximotcly
5YC ar.ross.
STITCHES USED: Ch, sl st, sc, dc, ti. dtr.
Rnd 1: Ch 0, sl st in first ch to form ring. ch 1, 24 ac in ring, join with sl st In first sc (24 sn).
Rnd 2: Ch 3. tT in next st, dtr (see Stitch Guido) in ncxl st. tr in next at, (dc in ncxt st, tr in noxt st. dlr in next st. tr in next st) around, join with sl st in top of ch 3. First ch 3 counts as first dc.
Rnd 3; Sl st in nnxt tr, *($! st, ch 4, sl sl) in nex! dtr; for picot. ch 7. slip st in sucund ch fruin hook; ch 5; repeat from * around, join with sl st in first sl st in first dtr.
Rud 4: Sl &L iu first ch-4 sp. ch 4. ft tr in samo ch sp, (sl sl, ch 6, sl st) in next picot. *9 tr in noxt ch-4 sp. (sl st. ch 6, sl st) in noxt picot; ropout from * around. join with sl st in top of ch 4.
Rnd 5: Sl st in next 4 tr, ch 6. sl st in samo sl as last sl st. * (cli 4. [dtr. ch 4. dtr) in ncxt ch-6 sp, nh 10. ;;1 st in sixth ch from hook, ch 4. (dlr. ch 4) 2 times in same cli-6 sp as List dtr], (sl st, ch 6, sl st) in contor tr of ncxt 9-tr group; repeat from * 4 moro limes; repeat between [ |, join with sl st in lirsl ch of first ch 6.
Rnd 6; Sl st in each of next 2 ch of first ch 6. *[ch 6. sl st in next dtr. ch 6, sl 3t in noxt dtr, ch 8. skip next 4 ch, sl st in next ch sp. ch 8. sl st in eighlh cli from hook. cli 8. skip next 4 ch, sl st in nnxt dtr, ch 8, sl st in noxl dtr. ch 6). sl st in uwxt cli-6 sp; repeat from * 4 morc timns; repeat hetween 11. join with sl st in first ch of first ch 6. Fasten off.
Apply fabric stiffeuer. Sbape. Lei dry. □□
MATERIALS: Size 10 crochet
cotton—30 yds. wbite; fubric ttltff-ener; No. 7 Steel hook.
FINISIIED SIZE: Appruximately 5* tturuss.
Rnd l: Ch 4, sl st in first ch to form ring. (ch a, sl st in ring) 6
times 10 ch sps).
Rnd 2: Sl sl in next 4 ch of first ch*8 sp, ch 10. sl sl in tenth ch from hook. cl) 6. (sl st in next ch-8 sp. ch 10. sl st in lenth oh (ruin hook, ch 8J around. join with sl st in first ch of first ch 1IJ.
Rud 3: Sl sl in nexl 4 ch, ch 12. sl .st in I2ih ch from hook. ch 8, skip nexl ch-6 sp. (sl st in next ch-10 sp, ch 12. sl a* in 12th ch from hook, ch 8. skip noxt ch-6 sp) around, join with sl st in first ch of first ch 12.
Rnd 4: Sl st in next 5 ch, ch 14. sl st in I4lh ch from hook. ch 16. skip next ch-8 sp. (sl st in ncxt ch-12 sp. ch 14, sl st in 14th ch from hook, ch 16, skip next ch-8 sp) around. do not join.
Rnd 5: •$] st in first ch of next ch 14, (ch 6. sl st) 3 times in same ch-14 ftp. ch 6. sl st in last nh of samo ch 14, (ch 6. sl st) 3 times in next ch-10 sp, ch 0; repeat from * around, join with sl st in first sl sl. Fasten off.
Applv fabric stiffener. Shapo. Lot dry. □□
MATERIALS: Size 10 crochel cotton—30 yds. whito; fubric gUfftmor; No. 7 Steel hook.
FINISIIED SIZE: Approximatelv 4y«M across.
STITCHES USED: Ch. sl st. tr.
Rnd 1; Ch 4, sl st in first ch 1o form