aa snowflakes stars

aa snowflakes stars

Star #5

MATERIALS: Si/.e 10 crochel cot-lon—30 yds. whilc; fabrie stiffenor; No. 7 steel hook

FINISIIED SIZE: Approximatelv

456" across.

STITCIIES USED: Oh. sl sl. sr:. hdc, dc. tr.


Rnd 1: Ch 8. sl sl in firsi cli to form ring, ch 1. (sc in ring. ch 3. tr in ring. ch 3) fi limes, join wiłh sl sl in firsi sc: (5 sc. 5 tr)

Rnd 2: Sl st in etach of n»?xt 3 ch. (sl st in noxl tr. r.h 12. dc in ninlh ch froin hook. ch 3) around.

Rnd 3: SI st in oach of nexl 3 ch. sl st m base of noxt dc. cli 4. (dc. hdc, 7 sc. hdc, dc) in noxt ch sp. Ir in top of samo dc on last rnd. #tr in base of ncxt dc. (dc. hdc. 7 sc. hdc. dc) in noxt ch sp. tr in top of samo dc on last rnd; ropna! frorn * around. join wilh sl st in top of ch 4. First ch 4 counts as first tr.

Rnd 4: Ch 1. sc in sarno st. ch 6. skip noxt 3 sts. sc in noxt sl. ch 3. skip noxt st. (sc. ch 3. sc) in ncxl st. ch 3. skip ncxt st. sc in ncxt st. ch f>. •sc in sp bulween noxt 2 tr. ch 6. skip next 4 sts. sc in nuxt st. ch 3. skip mi.xt st. (sc. ch 3. sc) in next st. ch 3. skip next st. sc in nuxt st. ch 6; ropeat from * around. join with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 5: Ch 1. sc in first st. *|3 sc in noxt ch-6 sp. ch 4. sc in ne.xt cli*3 sp. ch 3. (sc. ch 4. sc) in next ch-3 sp. ch 3. sc in next ch-3 sp. ch 4. 3 sc in noxt ch-6 sp). sc in ncxt st; ropeat from * 3 moro timos; ropeat hotween 1 J. join as buforu.

Rnd 0: Ch 1. * (sc in ncxt sl, (ch 3, sc in noxt ch sp) 2 timos. ch 3. (sc. ch 0, sc) in next ch sp, (ch 3. sc in noxt ch sp) 2 timos. ch 3. skip m»xt 2 sts. sc in ncxt st). sl st in noxt st;

ropeat from * 3 moro timos; ropom between 1 ). join with sl st in joiuing sl st.

Rnd 7: Ch 1. *(sc in noxt sl. (3 sc in ncxt cli sp. sl st in ncxt st) 3 timos. (3 sc. ch 3. 3 sc) in noxt ch-6 sp. (sl st in noxt st. 3 sc in next ch sp) 3 timos. sc in ncxt st). sl st in ncx1 sl st. ropeat from * 3 moro timos: ropeat butwoun I 1. join as before. Faston off.

Apply fabrie stiffenor. Shapo. Lut dry. J J

Star #6

MATERIALS: Siz<* 10 crochot cotton—30 yds. wbito: fahric stiffenor; No. 7 steol hook.

FINISHED SIZE: Approximatoly 5' across.

STITCHES USED: Ch. sl st. sc. dc. tr. popcorn.


Rnd 1: Cli 6. sl st in first ch to form ring. ch 3. 19 dc in ring. join with sl st in top of ch 3 (20 dc). Ch 3 counts as first dc.

Rnd 2: Working tliis rnd in front Ips (sce Stitch Guido), ch 1. sc in oach st around, join with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 3: Ch 1. sc in each of first 2 sts. (hdc. dc, tr) m noxt st. (tr. dc. hdc) in ncxt st. *sc in oach of next 2 sts. (hdc. dc. tr) in nuxt st. (tr. dc. hdc) in next st; repoat from * around. join as buforu. Faston off.

Row 4: For First Point, with right side facing you. working in back Ips of rnd 1. join with sl st in nny st. ch 10. sc in second ch from hook. sc in each ch across. sl st in samo st as first sl st. tum (9 sc).

Row 5: Ch 1. sc in each sc across. (urn.

Row 6: Ch 1. sc in first 4 sts; for popcorn (pc). 5 dc in ncxt st. drop ip from hook. insert hook from front to back in ton of first dc of group. puli drupped Ip through st, cli 1; sc in last 4 sts. turn.

Row 7: Ch 1. sc; in each st across. turn.

Row tt: Ch 1. sc in each of first 2 sts. pc. sc: m each of next 3 sts. pc. sc in each of last 2 sts. turn.

Row 9: Cli 1. sc in oach st across, turn.

Row 10: Ch 1. sc in first 4 sts. pc, sc in last 4 sts, turn.

Row 11: Ch 1. sc: in each .st across. turn.

Row 12: Ch 1. sc in oach st across. .st: in «*nd of erach row across. sl st in same st on rnd 1 as first sl st. sl st in back Ip of next 4 sts on rnd 1. do not tura.

Row 13: Ch 10. sc in second ch from hook. sc in oach ch across. sl st in same st as last sl st. turn (9 sc)

Rows 14-47: For Nexl Four Points, ropeat rows 5-13 consrcu-tivclv. onding with row 11.

Row 48: Ch 1. sc in each st across, sc in rnd of each row across. sl sl in same st on rnd 1 as first sl st. sl st in each of last 3 sts on rnd 1.

Rnd 49: For Fdging, working on opposile sido of starting cli 10 on First Point, sl st in each ch across. sl st in cml of »cxt row. *(ch 5. skip next 2 rows. sc in ond of next row) 2 timos. Ich 5. skip last 2 rows. (sc. ch 5. sc. ch 7. sc. ch 5 sc) in noxt st. (ch 5. skip no.M 2 sts. sc in next st) 2 limes, ch 5. skip next 2 stsl. sc noxt st and ond of first row on next Point tog: ropeat from ’ 3 moru timos. (ch 5. skip next 2 rows, sc in ond of next row) 2 timos. ropeat botween ( |. sl sl in next st. join with sl st in first ch of first ch 5 of First Point. Faston off.

Apply fahric stiffenor. Shapo. Lot drv. JJ



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