151129320221902741305792228547 n

151129320221902741305792228547 n

1.    Comp-in\ hou^hc materials for 10 000 $ + VAT (22 %). Kecord pricc icatculated on cost of acquisition) is 9 000 S.

2,    56 ** of materials was consumcd in production process.

5. Penuutcd dcprcciation of production machinę for current month I 006 S (3 products).

4.    Penttutcd dcprcciation of administration building for current month 2 500 S.

5.    Transfer of indirect production cost.

6.    100 units of products werc produced in this month (30 % of maaufacturiu£ cost is related to goods in process).

50 % of products was soki for 8 000 $ + VAT.

8.    Products were hauded to customer.

9.    Fi\ed tan^tbic asset was sold for 100 000 S + VAT. Cost of acquisition was 100 600 S, Accumulated dcprcciation 50 000 S.


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