1 On the 2(Vh of Jul> company Kmght materials for 1 000 $ + VAT 22 % (100 units). On tlić 27,h o! July company Kmght materials for 1 100 $ - VAT 22 % (100 units) (Paymcnts in 30 day s). 150 units wcrc consumed in current month. Calculatc cost using F1FO mclhod.
2. Company boughl goods for 50 iKH) S *• YAT 22 %. Goods wcrc delivered. Profit margin is 20 %. Company uscs selting price to rccord goods. 50 % of goods was sold (goods wcrc handcd to customer). Rccord transactions in accounts. prcscnt thcm in balancc and profit loss stale mc nt (both methods). Paymcnts in 60 day s.
3 Company Kmght production machinę (nced assembly. indirect production cost) with right to production of screws for 20 000 S * VAT 22 °o (right valuc 5 000 + VAT). lnvoicc lor assembly 5 000 $ • \ AT. lnvoicc for transport of machinę 2 000 $ + VAT. Paymcnts will K* madę in 30 days. Machino & right wcrc commissioned for usc. Economic lifc 5 yeurs (machinę ft ngho Rcsidual value of machinę 100 $. Residual valuc ot right 0 S. ( aleulate machinę’s dcprcęiation for current month using rcducing balance mclhod (constant lactor is 2.0). Calculale deprceiation of right for current month using straight-linc mclhod. Rccord transactions in accounts. Presem assets in balance after the year of using.
4 Company Kmght fteehold land for 100 000 S (fixcd tangible asset. payment in 6 months). The land is re\alued to 150 000 S at the end of 3"1 year and to 90 000 $ at the ciul ol 5'1' \car. 1 his land is not depceciatcd. Record transactions in accounts. Presem transactions in balance and profit loss statement (both methods).
5. Caleulated salaries of administrame cmployccs 35 000 S (gross pay). National insurance contributions paid by employer 25 National insurance contributions paid by cmploycc 20 %. Incomc tax 18 '. Calculatc not pay. Rccord transactions in accounts.