PCU. The PCU would: (a) coordinate the preparation of annual programs and budgets for all components; (b) procure goods and services and recruit consultants, with the exception of procurement directly related to civil works managed by Faso Baara; (c) maintain and consolidate all project accounts including the special account and accounts kept by Faso Baara; (d) prepare the necessary documentation for withdrawal of proceeds ffom the Credit account; (e) make arrangements for the audit of project accounts and SOEs; (0 prepare and submh progress reports to IDA and coftnanciers as required; (g) organize annual and mid-term reviews of project implementation; (h) attend meetings convened to deal with technical matters pertaining to the project; and (i) liaise with coftnanciers and maintain an effective dialogue with donors and agencies in the sector.
C. Monitoring and Eyaluation
4.3 Monitoring and evaluation of project performance and outcomes would be carried out by the implementing units over the Iife of the project, with the PCU piaying a coordinaling role. Agreed upon indicators with annual targets are shown in Annex 2.4. In its role as project coordinator, the PCU would (a) organize in November of each year, starting in 1995, a joint E>A-Govemment review of project implementation based on the progress reports and on an annual work program and budget for the next year; and (b) carry out a mid-term review of project implementation, jointly with IDA, KfW and UNICEF in March 1997. A Schedule of the Bank's supervision plan, and the annual and mid-term reviews, is provided in Annex 4.1. During negotiations the Govemment gave assurances that (a) based on the results of the mid-term review, the Govemment would prepare and implement an action plan, acceptable to IDA, for forther implementation of the project; and (b) within six months of the Credit closing datę, the PCU would trans mit to IDA a completion report, prepared in accordance with terms of reference acceptable to IDA.
4.4 Table 2 summarizes the project costs by disbursement category, and proposed procurement arrangements. A detailed procurement plan and timetables are given in Annex 4.3. Burkina*s procurement laws and regulations conform to IDA procurement guidelines. No special exemptions, permits or licenses need to be specified in Credit documents for International Competitive Bidding (ICB) as Burkina's procurement regulations altów IDA procedures to take precedence over any contrary provisions in local regulations.
4.5 Civil works. The civil works program financed by IDA (US$10.8 million) concems the upgrading of CMs into CMAs through addition of surgery blocks and related facilities, the construction/rehabilitation of CSPS in the rural and urban areas including Staff houses and boreholes, and the construction of the building where all DMP services are to be regrouped, as well as some rehabilitation works in CAMEG's warehouse. Standard designs are available and have already been used for the construction of CMAs and the CSPS. For the DMP building, a consultant will be recruited to carry out the design and issue the bidding documentation as well as to supervise the works. Contracts for execution of the boreholes program estimated to cost US$0.4 million, net of taxes and including contingencies, would be awarded through ICB. The contracts for the extension/rehabilitation of CMAs estimated to cost an ayerage of US$200.000 each. for the DMP building to cost US$0.20 million, net of taxes and duties and including contingencies, for the construction/rehabil itation of CSPS estimated to cost US$67.000 each. and CAMEG's warehouse estimated to cost US$37,000, would be awarded through LCB in accordance with the Bank's Guidelines for Procurement under IBRD loans and IDA credits (May