Materials For Each Chlld: self-hardening modeling ciay in various colors cookie cutters. to share pencil
Use a rolling pin to roli out clay and together cut out shapes with cookie cutters or tools.
1. Roli a large Dali of clay for the body and a smaller one for the head. Push the two together.
'L. Use other colors of clay to add ears. eyes. and a nose.
3. Use cut-out shapes to decorate the body. Ą. Poke holes in the body using the błunt end of a pencil Make surę the holes are slightly bigger than your pencil.
5. Remove the pencil and allow the clay to harden. then use your pencil pal to storę colored penciłs.
Materials For Each Chlld:
1 smali tagboard circle. 2' m diameter
1 box of tissues
2 wiggle eyes
1 pipę cieaner cut in half construction-paper shapes tempera paint and paintbrush black marker and glue
Use a jar lid to draw and cut out a 2* tagboard circle for each child. Cut assorred construction-paper shapes and cut the pipę cleaners in half
1. Paint the tissue box and allow to dry: then decorate the box with cut-out paper shapes.
7-. Glue wiggle eyes on the tagboard circle and draw on a mouth to make a head Ci 3. Twist the pipę cleaners and glue to the back of the head for antennae.
Ą. Glue the head on a short end of the box