1544493202219024932995#661572 n

1544493202219024932995#661572 n



,n 8ht Materials for 1 lOOS    mat<fria,s for 1000$ ♦ VAT 22% (100 unlt*V On 27 of lufy company

Current month Cal    4 VAT 22% (100 unlts) (Payments In 30 days). ISO unlts were consumed

' Company boueht ^ ^ C°°* consumctł matcrials uslng UFO methoó.

^VPoSifunction) COrnPuter (need assembly, admlnlstraiWe cost, company c\ass\f\escostsby assembły 5000 W th SOftWare for 2°000$ + VAT 22% (software va\ue S000$ ♦ VATV \rwo\ce fot n>ade in 30 d    ,nvoice for ‘oadlng and unloading Computer 2000$ ♦ VM Payments wWNbe

(comnutn » °VS °mputer & software were commissioned for usc. EconomlcWfe - Syeats como    software). Residuał value of Computer 2000$. Residuał va\ue of software \s0$. Ca\cu\ate

softw ? depreCia,ion for current month using dlmlnlshtng mc<hod^tu\a« Seprectatton <* are for current month using straight-Une method. Record transactions\n accounts.

,^r°‘Ce for so,d car (payment - 3 months). Inltłal cost of car 60000$. Accumu(ateddeprec^on

p°°00$- Se,,ln8 Price 60000$ + VAT. Car’s handed to customer. Record uansaction\n acc

Present transaction in profit/loss statement.    f ^yeart is 10000$.

4' Cost of 3cquisition of machinę is 60000$. Accumulated depreciation ta erus ^ ^ ^Ymgto*

Economic life - 6 years. Residuał value is 5000$. Current net seWmg pnce^acWne'\QX \mpa\rmentVoss.

1CX)0$. Futurę cash flows 20000$ for each year. Oiscount ratę 5% fest ma    6 monxhsVthe

5.    Company bought freehold land for 100000$ (long-term investment^ ^ depTeciaXed. Record land is revalued to 90000$ in year 3 and to 120000$ in year 5.

transactions in accounts. Present transactions in pr°m/'^^?^oSS payV NationaUnsutanc*

6.    Calculated salaries of directly production empioyees w.bultons paid by empioyee

contributions paid by employer 25%. National Insurance co    accounts.

insurance 9%. Income tax 18%. Calculate ndt pay    22% payment^asmadeby

7.    Company bought production machinę for 20000    nńceis90°00^-

Present transaction in cash (Iow statement    mement in 300aasV frtłtóssst»wmW<L

8. Com»anYbO^tn,,«t»Mo,100000S.VAT^ti^„lM»n«.W«

Materials were delivered. Record transactio

cash flow statement (both methods)    /


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