MATERIALS: Sizu 10 crochet cot-ton—30 yrts. wbito; fabric sliffurutr: No. 7 sleel hook.
FINISHED S1ZE: Approximately
4%“ acrosa
STrrCIIES USED: Ch, «1 st. sc. tr.
cl us Lar.
Rnd 1: Ch G. sl si in first ch lo form ring, ch 1. 24 «: iii ring, join with sl st in first sc (24 sc)
Rnd 2: Ch 5. (Ir. for picot, ch 3, kI «! in st jusl madę; tr) in fiflh ch from hook. ch 4. id .it (n samo st on rml 1 as ch 5, sc in each of ncxt 3 ittft, *sl st in noxt st, ch 5. (tr. picot, tr) in fiflh ch from hook. ch 4. sl st in same st as last sl st madę. sc in each of noxt 3 sts; rupeat from ■ around. do not join.
Rnd 3: Sl st m:riw. ch and sts iiitu uoxl picot. ch 10. (sl st in next plcot, nh 10] unound. join willi sl st in first ch of first ch 10.
Rnd 4: Ch 5, fti. plcot. tr) In fifth ch from hook. ch 4. sl st in same ch as first ch 5. (5 itr., ch 4. 5 sl) in same ch-10 sp, *sl st in ncxt sl st, cii 5, (tT. picot. Lr) in fiflh ch Etom hook. ch 4. sl *1 in samo sl st as ch 5. (5 sc. ch 4. 5 sc) in nexi ch-10 sp: repoat from ' uroi 11 id. do not join.
Rnd 5; Sl sl auross di and sts into next picot. ch 1, ar. in same picot. ch 6, skip next 5 sc, sl st in ncxt ch-4 sp; for ch-4 picol, ch 4, s\ st in fourth ch from hook; ch 6. *sc in niixt picol. dl 6. skip next 5 sc, sl st In next ch-4 sp. ch 4 picot. ch 6; repcat from * around, jnin with sl sl Lu first sc.
Rnd G: Ch 5. (tr. picot. tr) in fifth ch from hook, ch 4, sl st in samo sc as ch 5. ch 8: for diistor (et), yo 2 times, insert hook »n next ch-4 picol, yo. puli lu through picot, (vo. puli througn 2 Ijjn uh hookl 2 times. “yo 2 limes, insert hook In same picot, yo. puli through picot. (yo. puli through 2 Ips on hook) 2 times; repcat frnm * 2 mnre limes. yo. puli through all 5 Ips on hook; picot, ch a, Isl st in n«xt sc. ch 5. (tr. picot. Lr) In fifth nh from hook. uh 4, sl st in same sc ns ch 5. ch 8. (cl. picot) in iitytl l1i-4 picot. di B|; repeat between [ i nmund, join witJj sl sl in first ch of first ch 5. Fasten nff.
Apply fabric stiffoner. $H.npn. dry.OO
MATERIALS: Sizo 10 crochet cot-ton—30 vds wbite; fabrir. stifTr.nnr; No. 7 Steel hook.
FINISHED SIZE: Approximate]y
snrrcłuzs used. ch. sl st. «c. dc. tr. dtr. ttr.
Knd 1: Ch 4. sl sl in first ch to form ring. ch 3. 17 dc in ring. Jolu with sl st in top of r.h a (lii dej. Ch 3 counts ns first dc.
Rnd 2; Ch l. si: in uuch uf first 3 sts. ch U. (sc in esach of next 3 sts. ch Gl uround. join with s) st in first sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 1. sc in eadi of first 3 sts, 8 sc in next r.h sp, (sc in nar.h of next 3 sts. 8 sc in next ch sp) around, jnin as before.
Rnd 4: Sl st in next st. ch 12.11 dtr (soe Slitch Guide) in *ixth ch from hook, “da 6. skip next 10 sc. triple treble {ttr, srn Stitch Guidu) in naxt st, ch 5. sl st in second uh of last ch 6. 10 dti in Ust ttr madę; repeat from 4 around. nh l. join with sl st in top ofch 12.
Rnd 5: Cii 12. (dtr. ch 4. dtr. <’h 4. sl st) in sixth ch from hook. ch 10. (sl st. ch 0, sl sl) in sp hntwcen fourth and fifth sts of next 10-dtr group. rh 10. “tir lu nuAt uli 1 between 10-dtr groups. dl 5. (dtr. r.h 4, dtr. uh 4. sl slj in same ttr. ch 10. (sl sl. ch ft. sl st) in sp butwumi fourlh and fifth $1$ uf next 10-dtr group. uh 10; nspeal from * around, join with sl st in sbrth ch of first di 12. Fasten off.
Apply fabrir, stiffener. Shape. Lei drv. J3
MATERIALS: Siza 10 crochet col-ton -30 yds. whit8: fabric stiffonor; No. 7 steul hook.
FINISHED SIZE: Appnjximately M" across.
Rnd 1: Ch 5. sl st in first di to form ring. ch 4. 23 tr hi ring. join with sl st in top of ch 4 (24 tr). Ch 4 counts as first tr.
Rnd 2: Ch IG; for picot, sl st in sixth ch from hook; skip nexl Lr. Lr in iimx1 Lr, ch 6, skip ncxt tr. (ir in noxt tr. ch 12. picol, skip next tr, tr in nexi tr, ch 6. skip noxt tr) around. join with sl sl m fourth ch of first ch 16 (6
Rnd 3: Ch 10. (sl st, uh 7, sl st. ch 9. sl st. ch 7. sl st, di 5, sl st) in sixth ch from hook. ch t>. sc in ooxt pient. ch 6, “tr in noxl Ir, (ch 5. sl st, ch 7, sl st. ch 9. sl st. ch 7, sl st, ch 5, sl st) in last tr madę, ch 6. sc in ncxt picot. ch 6; repem Erom * around, join with sl st in fourth ch of first uh 10. Fastun off.
Apply fabric stiffener. Shape. Lat dry.CO
MATERIALS: Siwi 10 crochet cot* ton -30 yds. whito; fabric stiffonor; No. 7 steol hook.
FINISHED SIZE: Approximatelv
4Vł“ senws.
STITCHES USED: Os. sl st. sc. dc. tr.
Rud 1: Ch 8. sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 1. Isc in ring, ch 81 G times, join with sl st in first sc (8 sc, 8 uh sps).
Rnd 2: Ch 5. (2 sc. ch 4, 2 sc) in first r.h sp. rh 1. “tr in noxt su. di 1. (2 sc. ch 4. 2 sc) in nex1 ch sp. rh 1; ropnat from * around, join with d sl in fourth ch of ch 5. Fiist 4 di count os first tr.
Rnd 3: Sl st in next ch. ch 1. *sc in cni:h nf next 2 su, sl st in ncxt di sp. (ch 10. sl st) 3 times in samo ch sp. su in wadi of next 2 sts. ch 3. skip next tr; repcat fruui * around, join with sl st in first sr FnstOti off.
Rnd 4; |oin with sc in third ch-10 sp. sc iii noxt ch-10 sp, ch 5. (sc. ch 1. dc. ch 1. rlcx for picot, ch 3, sl st in third ch from hook; ile. ch 1. dc. ch 1. sc) iii ii«xt ch-10 sp, ch 3, “sc in each nf noxt 2 ch*10 sps. uh 5. (sc. ch 1, dc. ch 1. dc. picot, dr. rh t, dc. di 1. sc) in noxt ch*10 sp. ch 5: repcat from • around. join as before.
Rnd 5:Ch l, sc In first st. *ldi i. bu in noyt st. 3 sc in next r.h-5 sp. sc in next st:. (su in nexl ch sp. sc in ncxt dc) 2 times, [2 sc; for Point, ch 2; 2 sc| in next picol. (sc in next dc. sc In lM?xt uh sp) 2 limes, sc in next sc, 5 sc in ncxt ch fi $p|. SC in next sc: repeat from 9 4 morę times; ropnat between