Szydełkowe kapelusze12

Szydełkowe kapelusze12


MATERIALS: 20 gr of DMC Special Cordonnet (Art. 151) no. 20 crochet cot-ton, pink no. 3326. A Steel crochet hook size 0.75 mm (no. 5); a packet of red beads; 60 cm of pink satin ribbon 0.8 cm wide.


Beg by threading up 33 beads, form lp with end of thread and, replacing the first tr of the md with 3 ch, work 4 times as fol-lows: *2 tr tog, 5 ch*, close with a sl st over the first group of trebles tog. Rnd 2: 1 ch and rep ** 1 dc over group of tr, *3 dc, 3 ch, 4 dc* in next lp**, close with a sl st over the first dc. Rnd 3: 1 ch and, beg in same st as sl st, work 4 times as follows: *1 dc, 16 ch, skip 7 dc*, replace the last 8 ch sts with a sextuple tr over the first dc. Rnds 4-6: Follow the chart. Close Rnds 4 and 5 as for Rnd 2 and close Rnd 6 with a sl st over the 3rd of 3 ch sts replacing the




first tr. SIDE CROWN: Rnd 7: 1 ch and, beg in same st as sl st, rep * 1 dc, 5 ch, skip 2 sts*, replace the last 3 ch sts with a treble over the first dc. Rnds 8-18: Follow the chart. Close each rnd up to Rnd 15 inclu-sive as for Rnd 7, working the treble in the top of the tr closing the previous md. Close Rnds 16 and 18 as for Rnd 6 and, at the end of Rnd 16, work another sl st in the first lp. BRIM: Rnds 19-28: Work loops and scallops (=5 ch or 5 tr in the same st) as shown in the chart. Close Rnd 19 as for Rnd 7, close Rnds 20-23 as for Rnd 8, close Rnd 24 with a sl st in top of tr closing previous rnd and work forward with sl sts to centre of first lp. Close the other rnds as before. Rnd 29: Work 1 rnd of dc, adding beads (see instructions in chart), close with a sl st over the first dc and fas-ten off. Attach beads to the scallops and to the dc of Rnds 3 and 4, thread the ribbon as shown, tie it in a bow, and attach theflow-ers as shown in the sketch.

attach beads to dc

artificial flowers\    /7    3 and at

tips of petals

‘ Rnd 4


* X

;9(44 lps) i8 (168 tr)

adding a bead: draw out lp of dc that will hołd bead, withdraw hook, insert it through bead front left to right, pick up dropped st and draw lp through bead

thread ribbon through lps of Rnd 17


AAaAaAaa /v-i5

< xxxxxxxxx

AA/\/\AAAA /V-ś- s

aaA/\AaaAA A- 7

2 tr tog: work 2 incomplete tr, leaving last lp of each on hook, then work off all 3 remaining lps at once

triple treble

sextuple tr: yo 6 times and work off lps 2 by 2

Top of crown (Rnds 1-6)

7(28 lps)


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