Angel Xmas Tree

Angel Xmas Tree

(ter .Ituifrotiom on poge B). work 49 morę sc in ring, jo*s with jl st in lim sc. Fasten off.

Rnd 2: fciin one strand oł go*d with sc In firM st. ch 3, skip next st. (sc in ncxt st. ch 3, skip next st) around, |oin Faslenołł.


Wrap gold thread around 6* card-board 200 times Cut łoops at one end. Holding al strands togę li itr, be a separale 8" strand d gold ughoy around center oł ad strands (set Uhnirotiom), fold strands in half at center tir Wrap separatr strand of gold sevrr»l limes around all strands K łrom top oł fold. tie ends secureły, lcavtng long ends to hide inside Tasscl unit.

Trim mds Tle ends oł 8’ strand togethw to form hanger.


1: Punch a narrow hole throogh center of Styroloam bal wtth Steel ero-chat hook, hol Iow out Ket enough for hanger ołTassd to fil throogh hale 2: Place bali insidc Hcad with end oł hole at md 1 3: Insert hook through hole In bal and pul hang-er through. drswing lassel up to bodom oł bali (ter ittmtrotion).

4: Piat mg three scMlops on edge dl Body at back (see llluitration ftefaw; f/iis w® be back ot wings). wrap Necktie around bottom of Head tightly and Ile ends In bow at back.

$: Placing live center front scal-lops as shown m lllustration, shape thls sec Ilon oł Body around Tasseł forming a robę; lach bottom oł folds at back of robę togełher.

6: Puli hanger through a spacc between any two dc on md 2 of Wig GlurWgtoHrad Tack Halo to Wiq.

7: Tie nbbon In bow at front □□


Smali Tasscl Angel


6V taU wtthout hanger.


U 150 yds. Cold/Cold A90G MetaU< Knłt-Cro-Sheen* Art A64M by |. Br P. Coats" or sire 10 crochet couon thread

J 75 yds. Wbite A1 Knit-Cro-Shem* Art. A64 by | 6t P. Coats* or si/e 10 crochel coł-ton thread

J14’ gold V wire-odgod nbbon by Óffray

J 1 W"-dlameter Styrofoam* bali

J 6“ square cardboard

J 2* ptastic ring

u Crałt glue □ Tapestry noedfe LI No. 0 Steel hook or hook need-ed to obun gauge


5 sts a 1‘; 5 sc rows- l'j2 shell rows= t".


Ch, tl st, K, dc


WSth one strand oł thread and No. 5 hook. work same as Hcad (s Bady. Wig and Necktie of Lange Tassel Angeł on page 11.



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